Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails Review

Lagi senang nulis review tentang kutek nih..... Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails ini adalah produk kutek yang baru-baru ini diluncurin berbarengan dengan seri sweet recipe lainnya. Terdiri dari 8 warna matte yang ga ada glitternya. Jadi buat yang mau nyari kutek tanpa glitter dan warnanya cerah, boleh cobain kutek-kutek ini. Bentuknya lucu seperti ice cream, sama seperti namanya ice cream nails. Gambar diatas diambil dengan searching di google.
I like to write about nail polish now, so this time i'll write about Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails which is new product and has launched together with other sweet recipe line. Have 8 different colour and it's matte doesn't have any glitter. So, if u want to have matte, bright and nail polish without glitter, u can try them. Same as their name, it looks like ice cream. The pic above i get from google.
Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails
Dari kiri ke kanan / left to right: BE101, OR202, BR401, GR701.

Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails
Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails
Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails
Bentuknya seperti ice cream cone. / looks like ice cream cone.
Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails
Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails
Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails
Ini dia warnanya kalau dipakai. Warna kuning dan hijau nya sangat bagus dan cerah, mirip warna permen. Begitu juga dengan warna ungu, warna coklat juga bagus. Note: foto diatas hanya contoh warnanya saja. Kalau dikreasikan pasti bagus.
The yellow and green colour were so nice and bright, looks like candy. Purple and brown colour were nice too. Note: the pic above is just my sample, if we could make some creation, it would be nice.

Bonus foto: kreasi nail art berbentuk ice cream, gambar diambil dari google. Admin ga bisa buat nail art seperti foto dibawah karena terlalu expert lol.
Bonus photo: nail art which looks like ice cream, i got it from google. I couldn't make nail art like this b'cos it's too expert la lol.
Ice Cream's Nail Art

~*~ Pro ~*~
- warna nya bagus / pretty colour
- hasil matte tapi glossy ga kusam / matte and glossy finish not dull
- tahan lama / long lasting
- bentuknya lucu seperti ice cream / looks like ice cream
- isinya banyak / big size
- ada 8 pilihan warna / 8 different colour

~*~ Cons ~*~
- lumayan mahal / a bit expensive
- baunya menyengat / stingy scent

~*~ Overall Rating ? ~*~
- 9/10 Good

~*~ Repurchase? ~*~

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