Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Skinfood Nail Vita Essence Review

Setelah kemarin menulis review kutek, sekarang mau nulis tentang perawatan kuku. Buat yang sangat memperhatikan penampilan kuku, harusnya juga memperhatikan kesehatan kuku lho. Kalau ngga pernah dirawat dengan baik, kuku bisa rusak, kering, warnanya kuning, dan kadang pecah-pecah terutama kalau baru dibersihin dengan acetone atau pembersih kutek. Sedikit info mengenai acetone
After write a review about nail polish before, i want to write about nails care. If we like to have pretty nails, we need to keep them healthy. If we don't care for them, it would damaged, dried, yellowish , and sometimes cracked if we just used acetone. And i want to share a bit about acetone:

Acetone is a flammable solvent that is commonly found in nail polish remover. Exposure to high levels of acetone can cause death, coma, unconsciousness, seizures, and respiratory distress. It can damage your kidneys and the skin in your mouth. 

Breathing moderate-to-high levels of acetone for short periods of time can cause nose, throat, lung, and eye irritation. It can also cause intoxication, headaches, fatigue, stupor, light-headedness, dizziness, confusion, increased pulse rate, nausea, vomiting, and shortening of the menstrual cycle in women. 

Breathing highly concentrated acetone vapors can irritate the respiratory tract and burn your eyes. Skin contact with acetone can irritate or damage your skin. 

Exposure to acetone can also cause low blood pressure, bronchial irritation, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, and an increased need to urinate. 

So, kalau bisa pilihlah pembersih kutek dengan bau yang tidak terlalu menyengat. Semakin menyengat baunya, semakin tinggi kadar acetone dan bahaya nya. 
So, we better choose nail remover with not too stingy scent. More stingy, it just mean more acetone and more dangerous.

Informasi soal acetone cukup segitu saja, kita balik lagi ke review. Karena sering pakai acetone, kuku ku jadi kering dan rusak, jadi demi kesehatan kuku kubeli essence untuk kuku biar kuku jadi sehat kembali. Nah setahuku merk Skinfood untuk kutek, warna dan hasilnya bagus, jadi nail essence nya juga pasti bagus. Nama produknya adalah Skinfood Nail Vita Essence. 
And enough for acetone, back to review. Bcos i always using acetone, my nails became dried and damaged, so for my healthy nail purpose i buy the nail essence. From what i know, Skinfood has good nail polish so do the essence, and the essence called Skinfood Nail Vita Essence.
Skinfood Nail Vita Essence
Essence ini mengandung vitamin dan keratin yang bagus untuk kesehatan kuku. Botolnya mudah dibuka dan ditutup dan isinya ga cepat mengering atau berkerak.
This essence contains vitamin and keratin. Easy to open and close it and it doesn't dry fast.

Skinfood Nail Vita Essence
Skinfood Nail Vita Essence
Warnanya kuning muda, waktu dipakai warnanya jadi agak bening. Baunya ngga menyengat.
Have soft yellow colour. When i use it, the colour is like transparent colour and it didn't stingy.
Skinfood Nail Vita Essence
Ini dia kuku yang kering dan rusak sehabis pakai acetone.  
Oh, it's my nails so dried and damaged after using acetone.
Skinfood Nail Vita Essence

Essence ini dioleskan ke kuku selama beberapa detik kemudian dilap sampai kering. Setelah itu biarkan kuku tanpa kutek selama beberapa hari untuk menjaga kesehatan kuku. Cuma perlu sedikit saja untuk seluruh kuku, jadi hemat banget lho.
Apply on our nails a while, then wipe it. It's better to keep nails without nail polish for someday to keep them healthy. We just need to apply a bit of this essence, so it really saving money.

~*~ Pro ~*~
- bagus untuk menjaga kesehatan kuku / good for keep nails healthy
- membuat kuku jadi terlihat lebih sehat dan ga kering / make nails healthier and moist
- murah / cheap

~*~ Cons ~*~
- nope

~*~ Overall Rating ? ~*~
10/10 Great

~*~ Repurchase ? ~*~

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