Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Etude House AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot Review

Etude House Ac Clinic Series

Ac Clinic series dari Etude House ini merupakan rangkaian perawatan untuk kulit yang berjerawat, bagus buat mengurangi dan menghilangkan bekas jerawat. Terbuat dari beberapa jenis tanaman obat maka wanginya juga seperti bau obat eheh...

Ac Clinic series from Etude House is a skincare for acne. It's good to reduce and removes the acne spots. It's made from several species of medicinal plants so it would be smell like medicine as well.

Setauku rangkaian Ac Clinic ini terdiri dari:
From what i know, the AC Clinic series are consists of: 

1. AC Clinic Daily Acne Foam Cleanser 150ml
2. AC Clinic Daily Toner 150ml
3. AC Clinic Daily Gel Lotion 150ml
4. AC Clinic Intense Extractor
5. AC Clinic Intense Hinoki Water Mist 100ml
6. AC Clinic Intense Liquid Spot 25ml
7. AC Clinic Intense Mask Sheet
8. AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot 
9. AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot Patch 1 sheet
10. AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water 45ml
11. AC Clinic Intense Red Spot Balm 20ml

dan beberapa yang sudah discontinue alias ga diproduksi lagi sbb:
and some discontinue products such as:

12. AC Clinic Trial Kit Special Edition (Admission Kit)
13. AC Clinic White-Trouble 2 Step Toner
14. AC Clinic White-Trouble Bubble Cleanser
15. AC Clinic White-Trouble Essencializer
16. AC Clinic White-Trouble Yellow Spot

Wah, banyak juga yah..

Ohya, untuk ac clinic ini tentunya bisa dipakai untuk cewe dan cowo dan banyak banget cowo2 yang pakai produk ini :)

Untuk review kali ini, aku hanya akan mereview Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot aja.

It's quite much right? Btw, this ac clinic series can be used by girls and boys :)
This time i'll review the AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot.

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot

Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot berbentuk satu set produk kecil2 yang terdiri dari:

Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot is one set of products contains small products such as:

- Pink Powder Spot 20ml
- Pink Powder Water 15ml
- Cotton Swabs 30pcs

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot

Formulated with Salicylic Acid and Hinoki Cypress, Ac Clinic delivers trouble care. Pink Powder alleviates trouble swelling on contact to minimize damage. Comes with cotton swabs for application. 


alcohol, water, zinc oxcide (CI 77947), glycerin, titanium dioxide, colloidal sulfur, salicylic acid,  chamaecyparis obtusa leaf extract, glycoproteins, aesculus hippocastanium(horse chestnut) seed extract, saururus chinensis extract, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, madecassoside, ampelopsis japonica root extract, carica papaya (papaya) fruit extract, allium cepa (onion) bulb extract, allium sativum (garlic) bulb extract, butylene glycol, mannitol, ammonium glycyrrhizate, zinc gluconate silica caffeine, fragrance, iron oxides (CI 77491)

Untuk ingredients nya too bad karena mengandung alcohol, ammonium dan beberapa bahan kimia lainnya.

Too bad it contains alcohol, ammonium and other chemicals.

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water

Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water ini packagingnya berbentuk botol plastik berwarna hijau.
 Dipakai di pagi hari, bisa dipakai sebelum makeup. Cara pakainya, kocok terlebih dahulu lalu masukkan cotton swabs ke dalamnya dan oleskan ke daerah yang berjerawat.

Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water is placed in green plastic bottle. It's used in the morning and can be used before makeup. Direction: shake it before use. Dip the cotton swabs into the pink powder water then apply on acne skin or trouble areas.

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water - Texture

Pink Powder Water ini teksturnya cair seperti air dan warnanya putih, kalau mengering akan kelihatan berwarna putih dikulit yang diolesi. Untuk wanginya, seperti bau obat. Aku pribadi sih ga masalah dengan baunya, menurutku wangi tapi bagi orang lain bisa aja ga enak baunya he..

The texture of pink powder water is liquid and white color. When it dried, it'll turn out white on the skin. It smell like medicine. I don't think the scent is annoying, i like it. But, of course it's depend on personal taste. Maybe other people don't like how its smell.

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot

Pink Powder Spot ini packagingnya botol kaca yang tebal dan bagus (plus point). 
Dipakai pas malam sebelum tidur, tapi ingat jangan dikocok yah ^.^

The packaging of the pink powder spot is made from thick and good glass (plus point). It's used at night and do not shake it before use.

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot - Texture

Pink Powder Spot ini teksturnya cair seperti air dan warnanya bening. Kalau dikocok jadi berwarna pink, tapi ingat kalau pink powder spot ngga boleh dikocok jadi warnanya akan bening dan ga meninggalkan warna dikulit. Wanginya seperti bau obat.

The texture of this pink powder spot is liquid and transparent. If we shake the bottle, it will turn pinkish but remember, don't shake it. This pink powder spot is transparent if we don't shake it and it doesn't left any stain in the skin. By the way, it smell like medicine. 

Etude House Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water VS Pink Powder Spot

Di foto bagian atas adalah pink powder water yang kalau dioleskan ke kulit akan meninggalkan warna putih sementara pink powder spot berwarna bening dan ga meninggalkan warna dikulit. Untuk pink powder water baunya obat banget, lebih keras baunya kalau dibandingkan dengan pink powder spot.

So, menurutku produk Ac Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot ini efektif untuk mengurangi dan menghilangkan jerawat dengan cepat (biasa hanya butuh 1-5 hari buat mengempeskan dan menghilangkan jerawat dimuka). Tapi tentu aja hasilnya di setiap orang berbeda2, ada yang cepat dan ada yang lambat. Ada yang ngaruh dan ada yang ngga. Tapi buatku sih ngaruh ya.. Jadi aku rekomen produk yang satu ini. Layak dicoba.

At the picture above: the pink powder water will left white stain in the skin, while the pink powder spot doesn't left any stain. The pink powder water is much into medicine scent. Even though the pink powder spot also smell like medicine, the pink powder water has stronger medicine scent. 

So, i think this AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot is really effective to reduce and heal my acne (usually it only need 1-5 days). But, of course the result is depend on each people. Fast or slow, effective or not, it depend on each people. But for me, it's effective. I recommend this product.

- murah / cheap
- satu paket terdiri dari 2 jenis produk dan bisa dipakai pagi dan malam hari / one set contains acne skincare for day and night
- efektif mengempeskan. mengurangi dan menghilangkan jerawat / effective to reduce and heal acne
- pink powder spot terbuat dari botol kaca yang tebal dan bagus / actually, i like the pink powder spot packaging because it made from glass bottle, thick and heavy

- mengandung alcohol, ammonium dan beberapa bahan kimia lainnya / contains alcohol, ammonium and others chemical ingredients

9/10 Great for acne


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