Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask Review

Sebenarnya penasaran banget sama masker peel off yang satu ini, karena baca-baca review orang katanya bagus banget yah. Berhubung aku juga hobi masker n peeling, so aku cobain deh.. eits tapi beli yang sachetannya aja nih karena ingin coba dulu hehe.. Dan ini deskripsi singkat yang diambil dari
(Actually i really curious about this peel off bcos i read many good review about it and bcos i really like using mask and peeling so i give it a try. but, i try the sample first lol )
Description (taken from
This unique honey-textured treatment is formulated with small solomonseal powder to absorb impurities and Japanese honeysuckle to hydrate, smooth, and brighten. 
The powerful blend of Korean medicinal herbs exfoliates and purifies for a smoother, brighter, clearer complexion.
Apply evenly over the face following Balancing Emulsion, avoiding lips and hair line. Allow to set for 30 minutes. Once mask has completely dried, peel off the mask from top to bottom.
Sulwhasoo Skin Clarifying Mask is made from finely powdered polygonatum officinale, one of natures most nutritive ingredients. Herbal ingredients such as extracts from honey, portulaca oleracea, green tea and lonicera japonica as well as JaEumDan and JaEumBoWeeDan have been added to give an even, silky texture to the skin. While drawing out deep-dwelling impurities, herbal ingredients penetrate deep into the skin for a smooth, refined and healthy glow skin.

Dari deskripsi diatas, peel off ini berfungsi untuk melembabkan, menghaluskan dan mencerahkan wajah. Cara pakainya, oleskan merata pada wajah beserta balancing emulsionnya (dibeli terpisah), hindari daerah bibir dan garis rambut (bener lho, kalau kamu ga mau maskernya lengket dirambut dan susah dicopotnya. Sedikit tips sih, dicuci aja pakai air nanti juga hilang. Jangan ditarik paksa karena rambut bisa ikut ketarik hehe.) Setelah dioleskan merata diwajah (oles beberapa kali sampai cukup tebal, atau jangan terlalu tipis) biarkan kering kira-kira 30 menit. Setelah masker nya kering, cabut maskernya dari atas ke bawah.
From the description, this peel off is used to make skin hydrate, smooth, and brighten. How to use, apply evenly over the face following balancing emulsion, avoiding lips and hair line. Allow to set for 30 minutes. Once mask has completely dried, peel off the mask from top to bottom. You can buy  the emulsion separately. And it's true, don't apply it to your hair line bcos it'll make it hard to peel off and my tips is simply wash it with water and it'll easier to clean it up. Don't ever pull it bcos it'll really hard and your hair also pulled.
Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask (Ok Yong Paek)
Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask
Waktu aku cium bau masker ini, ugh.... ga suka.. baunya aneh.. um..tapi lama2 terbiasa juga haha.. Sementara maskernya berwarna coklat dan ada butiran-butiran kecil berwarna coklat tua. 
When i smell this mask, ugh.. i don't like it, really smell when i use it several times, it's okay l. It has brown color and has some small particle.
Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask
Oleskan masker nya secara merata keseluruh wajah, oleskan sampai cukup tebal misalnya seperti di pic diatas. Aku oles sampai 3x, terutama didaerah hidung biar hidung jadi bersih.
Apply to all over your face and apply thickly like the pic above, i apply it three times, especially at the nose.
Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask
Setelah beberapa menit (biarkan mengering kurang lebih 30 menit), masker nya menjadi kering. Setelah kering, copotlah dari atas ke bawah. Kalau aku dari bawah ke atas soalnya lebih mudah. Waktu copotin masker ini, rasanya sakit banget ga seperti masker peel off yang lainnya. Rasanya perih , dan harus pelan-pelan banget copotinnya :(
After several minutes (let it dry about 30 minutes), and the mask will dry. After that, peel it off from top to bottom. But i do it from bottom to top bcos it easier. When i peel it off, i feel pain, don't like others peel off.
Before and After Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask
Wajah jadi lebih cerah, halus, tapi ga mengecilkan pori-pori dan rasanya sakit. Aku lebih suka peel off dari the The History of Whoo Peel Off Pack nya karena hasilnya kelihatan putih, wanginya enak, muka halus lembut tapi ga sakit.  Peel off mask membantu membersihkan kotoran2 yang ada diwajah, muka jadi terasa bersih dan cerah (ga kusam). 
It's after peel off. hm.. my skin became brighter (a bit), smoother but it doesn't make my pores smaller and it's pain. I prefer The History of Whoo Peel Off Pack bcos it really whiten skin, smell nice, make skin smoother but didn't pain.  Peel off mask help me to remove the dirt is my skin, it make my skin clear and brighter (not dull again).
Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask
Dan ini bonus foto, bentuk maskernya setelah dicopotin. haahhaha..... 
It's bonus photo, the mask after i peel it off. hhahha..
Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask
Dan booooooooo...........
Ntah kenapa bentuknya seperti orang yang lagi teriak, jadi lucu hehe.. 
And booooo........
I don't know why but it looks like someone screaming and it's so funny. hehe..
Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask
Dan ini kalau dizoom. If we zoom it...
Customerku yang sudah pernah cobain masker ini bilang kalau masker ini bisa membantu membersihkan komedo juga lho :)
My customer said it can help remove the blackhead :)

~*~ Pro ~*~
- membersihkan wajah / clean
- mencerahkan wajah /  brighten skin

~*~ Cons ~*~
- baunya ga enak / smell bad
- waktu dicopot sakit banget rasanya / pain
- fullsize nya mahal / the fullsize is so expensive
- harus beli di olshop / must buy from olshop

~*~ Overall Rating ~*~
8/10 I like it

~*~ Repurchase? ~*~

3 komentar:

  1. nice review XD lucu banget bisa dipeeling kayak gitu yaa
    kalo minat sama fullsizenya, kebetulan aku lagi jual di blog sale ku ^_^
    thanks for sharing :D

  2. Biar gak sakit, ku dgr org2 pd pake hidrating toner / emulsion dulu sebelum pake masker ini, aku sih pake sk-ii cellunumination mask in lotion, krn daily skin care ku sk-ii, fine2 aja pas cabutnya 😁
