Senin, 02 September 2013

Nature Republic Snail Therapy Mask Sheet Review

Nature Republic Snail Therapy Mask Sheet
Ini adalah salah satu masker tissue favoritku ^o^
Masker tissue ini satu seri dengan seri Snail Therapy dari Nature Republic. Aku sudah cobain beberapa jenis dari snail therapy nature republic dan aku suka banget, soalnya lendir snailnya benar-benar berkhasiat, bikin muka jadi mulussss dan halussss bangettt.. Kalau dibandingkan dengan merk lain, aku paling suka snail therapy dari nature republic. Memang oke banget. 
Seri snail therapy dari nature republic identik dengan warna ungu tua dan ada gambar snail. Desainnya super simple, ga banyak gambar dan ga warna-warni.
 This is one of my favourite mask sheet ^o^
This is one of Snail Therapy line from Nature Republic. I already tried some of their snail therapy line and i really love it, bcos the snail therapy really work, make my skin smoother and soft. If i consider other brands, i'll choose Nature Republic, really good.........
This snail therapy line has purple color and using snail pic. The design was super simple, not much picture nor colorful.

Nature Republic Snail Therapy Mask Sheet
Cara pakai masker tissue adalah, dimulai dengan mencuci wajah sampai bersih lalu tempelkan masker tissue diwajah selama kurang lebih 15 menit. Kemudian cuci muka dengan air (tanpa sabun).
How to use mask sheet is, wash your face and patch it on the face about 15 minutes then wash it with water (without cleansing foam)
Ihing~ begini lah kira-kira kalau dipakai. Masker tissue ini ga kebesaran seperti masker tissue lain, lebih cocok dan pas diwajahku yang kecil.
Ihing~ this is how i look, not too big like others, suitable for my small face.
Nature Republic Snail Therapy Mask Sheet
Masker tissue ini terbuat dari bahan yang sangat bagus jadi ga gampang sobek atau rusak. Masker ini wanginya soft, ga ada bau lendir siput. Dan juga ga lengket, jadi suka banget deh.
This mask sheet was made by good tissue so it wouldn't easy to ripped. It has soft scent, no snail scent la. And also it doesn't sticky so i like it so much.
After Nature Republic Snail Therapy Mask Sheet
Jrengg....hasilnya suka banget, benar-benar bikin muka jadi super halus dan lembut, pori-pori juga mengecil. Overall suka banget sama seri snail therapy nya nature republic.
Yey...i really like it, it make my skin super soft and smooth, my pores became smaller. Overall i like is so much.

~*~ Pro ~*~
- membuat muka jadi halus dan lembut banget / make my skin super soft and smooth
- wanginya soft / soft scent
- ga lengket / doesn't sticky
- mengecilkan pori-pori / make my pores smaller
- bikin muka segar dan cerah / make skin looks brighter and fresh

~*~ Cons ~*~
- nope

~*~ Overall rating ~*~
10/10 Totally love it!

~*~ Repurchase? ~*~
Yes, of course!

1 komentar:

  1. Mau coba pakai mask sheet yang ini.
    Pengen buktiin khasiatnya.
    Mask sheet ini dapat dibeli di mana ya? ._.
