The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Series
Do u guys already know about seol line from Whoo? From what i know, here is the seol series:
- Brightening Cleansing Foam
--> ini adalah sabun cuci muka nya dan dipakai pertama kali. Baca review nya disini
--> it's a cleansing foam. Read my review here.
- Whitening Skin Balancer
--> teksturnya cair dan dipakai setelah selesai cuci muka. Baca reviewnya disini.
--> the texture is liquid, used it after cleansing foam. Read my review here.
- Whitening Essence
--> digunakan setelah skin balancer.
--> it used after the skin balancer.
- Brightening Peel Off Pack
--> ini sama dengan masker peel off, dioleskan keseluruh wajah lalu biarkan kering. Setelah kering, ditarik dari bawah ke atas. Biasanya digunakan setelah essence, tapi aku selalu pakainya setelah cuci muka, kan sayang skin balancer dan essence nya yang terbuang lol.
--> it's same as peel off mask. Apply it to entire face and leave it dry. After it completely dried, peel it off from bottom to above. Usually, it used after balancer+essence. But i don't like to waste the balancer and essence, so i use it right after i cleanse my face using the brightening foam.
- Jinaek Whitening Program Kit
--> program pemutih dalam 4 minggu, terdiri dari 4 botol jinaek program kit dan 1 brightening gel ukuran 45ml.
--> it's 4 intensive whitening program kit. Include 4 bottle of jinaek program kit and 1 brightening gel 45ml.
- Whitening Intensive
--> whitening intensive ini bagus banget untuk memperbaiki tekstur kulit, mengurangi flek hitam dan bekas jerawat, bahkan bekas luka (pengalamanku sih). Dan ini merupakan best seller dari seri whiteningnya whoo. Tapi harganya mahal, sekitar 1,5jt untuk ukuran fullsize 20ml. Whitening intensive biasanya hanya digunakan didaerah yang berflek/bernoda saja, ga keseluruh muka ya.
Baca review nya disini.
--> whitening intensive is really really good to improve skin texture, reduce dark spot and acne scars, and even scars (from my experience). And it's the best seller from the seol line. And of course, it's expensive.. As it has the quality, it has the price. About $128 (July 19th 2014 exchange rate). The fullsize only 20ml. Expensive, right? The whitening intensive usually used in dark spot or acne scars, not to entire face. Read my review here.
- Whitening Lotion
--> lotion atau biasa disebut emulsion digunakan setelah menggunakan whitening intensive.
--> lotion can be used after whitening intensive.
- Whitening and Moisture Cream
--> ini adalah cream wajah yang melembabkan sekaligus memutihkan wajah, digunakan setelah menggunakan lotion. Baca review nya disini.
--> it's the whitening and moisture cream which is good to whiten skin and moist. Use it after lotion. Read my review here.
- Brightening Gel
--> brightening gel ini sama dengan peeling. Gunakan setelah cuci muka, muka dilap kering lalu gosokkan brightening gel ke seluruh muka lalu bilas dengan air hangat. Baca reviewnya disini.
--> it's same as peeling. After cleansing, tap dry the skin and then use this brightening gel to entire face, rub it until some sebum and dirts out. Then wash with warm water. Read my review here.
The History of Whoo Brightening Sun BB Cream SPF 45/PA++
--> bb cream, dipakai setelah cream dan sebelum whitening pact. Baca reviewnya disini.
--> bb cream, used after cream and before whitening pact. Review my review here.
- The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Pact SPF 45 / PA+++
--> bedak padat, terdiri dari 2 warna yaitu No. 21 Light Beige dan No.23 Natural Beige. Baca review nya disini.
it's whitening powder pact, available in 2 shades: No.21 Light Beige and No.23 Natural Beige. Read my review here.
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Series
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Sequence
Urutan cara pakai line The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang: Seol Whitening Series:
How to Use The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang: Seol Whitening Series:
1. Brightening Cleansing Foam
2. Whitening Skin Balancer
3. Whitening Essence
4. Brightening Peel Off Pack
5. Essence Program Kit
6. Whitening Intensive
7. Lotion
8. Whitening & Moisture Cream
Urutan cara pakai line The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang: Seol Whitening Series:
How to Use The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang: Seol Whitening Series:
1. Brightening Cleansing Foam
2. Whitening Skin Balancer
3. Whitening Essence
4. Brightening Peel Off Pack
5. Essence Program Kit
6. Whitening Intensive
7. Lotion
8. Whitening & Moisture Cream
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence
The History of Whoo Whitening Essence ini merupakan essence dari line seol whitening yang berfungsi untuk memutihkan wajah, menghaluskan, melembabkan, bermanfaat untuk memutihkan kulit wajah secara keseluruhan, juga memudarkan noda/flek hitam yang terlihat di permukaan (bahkan mencegah pigmentasi dan noda2 di bawah kulit yang belum kelihatan) sehingga wajah bersinar alami dari dalam. Dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan bekas jerawat dan flek hitam Cocok untuk: semua tipe kulit dan semua umur
The History of Whoo Whitening Essence is one essence from seol whitening line, and it has whitening function, make skin smoother, soft, reduce dark spots, from the surface and also deep into skin (prevent pigmentation and spots under skin or latent spots), it also make skin looks brighter from inside. It can also used to relieve acne spots and darks spots. It's suitable for all skin type and all age range.
Bahan Utama / Key Ingredients : Chilhyang Palbaeksan, Wild Chrysanthemum.
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence
Seol Whitening Essence ini mempunyai packaging yang mewah banget, terbuat dari botol kaca dan dilengkapi dengan sebuah pump, menjaga isinya tetap higienis.
The packaging looks so luxury, made from glass bottle and came with a pump, to keep it hygienic.
Seol Whitening Essence ini mempunyai packaging yang mewah banget, terbuat dari botol kaca dan dilengkapi dengan sebuah pump, menjaga isinya tetap higienis.
The packaging looks so luxury, made from glass bottle and came with a pump, to keep it hygienic.
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence - Description
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence merupakan essence ekslusif dari formula pemutih kerajaan dengan menggunakan mutiara dan ginseng liat untuk meningkatkan warna kulit.
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence is Whoo's exclusive essence of emperial whitening formula with precious pearl-wild ginseng enhances the skin's tone while engraving skin layer with crystality.
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence merupakan essence ekslusif dari formula pemutih kerajaan dengan menggunakan mutiara dan ginseng liat untuk meningkatkan warna kulit.
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence is Whoo's exclusive essence of emperial whitening formula with precious pearl-wild ginseng enhances the skin's tone while engraving skin layer with crystality.
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence
Seol whitening essence ini ukuran fullsize nya 45ml dan dibagian bawahnya bisa kita lihat tanggal exp nya, rata2 exp date nya 2-3 tahun.
The fullsize of this seol whitening essence is 45ml and in the bottom of the bottle, we can see the exp date. Average exp date for whoo is about 2-3 years.
Seol whitening essence ini mempunyai tekstur yang ringan dan halus banget. Warnanya putih dan kalau diperhatikan dari dekat, akan kelihatan ada glitter2 kecil, yaitu mutiara. Wanginya juga enak banget lho ^.^
It has light and very soft texture. The color is white and if we see it closely, we can see there are some small glitter, it's pearl! And i also like how it smell, so nice! I like the scent ^.^
Disini adalah foto before dan after dalam 1x pemakaian. Setelah pakai, berasa banget lembut dan ringan dikulit. Kulitku juga jadi lembab tapi ga berminyak. Kalau dipakai dengan rajin dan teratur, bisa membuat kulit jadi cerah, putih dari dalam. Untuk yang punya flek, whitening essence ini bisa untuk mengurangi flek. Kalau belum punya flek, whitening essence ini bisa mencegah pigmentasi terbentuknya flek hitam. Jangan tunggu berflek baru sibuk cari perawatan untuk menghilangkan flek ya ^.^
Untuk hasil yang maksimal, jangan lupa pakai semua rangkaian seol whitening ^.~ Aku benar2 merekomendasikan line seol whitening ini!
Here is before and after photo in 1x application. After using this essence, my skin became so soft, smooth and it feel light in my skin. My skin became so moist but not oily. If we use it regularly, it can make skin looks brighter and whiter from inside. And for who have dark spots, this whitening essence is so good to reduce the dark spots. And if we don't have dark spots yet, this wihtening essence can helps us to prevent the formation of dark spots. Don't wait until we have dark spots ! ^.^
For maximal results, don't forget to use all of seol whitening line. I really recommend this line!
Buat yang mau beli, bisa ikut pre order. Barang datang sekitar 2 mingguan. Cek produk, harga dan deskripsi produk whoo disini.
Seol whitening essence ini ukuran fullsize nya 45ml dan dibagian bawahnya bisa kita lihat tanggal exp nya, rata2 exp date nya 2-3 tahun.
The fullsize of this seol whitening essence is 45ml and in the bottom of the bottle, we can see the exp date. Average exp date for whoo is about 2-3 years.
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence - Texture
Seol whitening essence ini mempunyai tekstur yang ringan dan halus banget. Warnanya putih dan kalau diperhatikan dari dekat, akan kelihatan ada glitter2 kecil, yaitu mutiara. Wanginya juga enak banget lho ^.^
It has light and very soft texture. The color is white and if we see it closely, we can see there are some small glitter, it's pearl! And i also like how it smell, so nice! I like the scent ^.^
The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang : Seol Whitening Essence - Before and After in 1x Application
Disini adalah foto before dan after dalam 1x pemakaian. Setelah pakai, berasa banget lembut dan ringan dikulit. Kulitku juga jadi lembab tapi ga berminyak. Kalau dipakai dengan rajin dan teratur, bisa membuat kulit jadi cerah, putih dari dalam. Untuk yang punya flek, whitening essence ini bisa untuk mengurangi flek. Kalau belum punya flek, whitening essence ini bisa mencegah pigmentasi terbentuknya flek hitam. Jangan tunggu berflek baru sibuk cari perawatan untuk menghilangkan flek ya ^.^
Untuk hasil yang maksimal, jangan lupa pakai semua rangkaian seol whitening ^.~ Aku benar2 merekomendasikan line seol whitening ini!
Here is before and after photo in 1x application. After using this essence, my skin became so soft, smooth and it feel light in my skin. My skin became so moist but not oily. If we use it regularly, it can make skin looks brighter and whiter from inside. And for who have dark spots, this whitening essence is so good to reduce the dark spots. And if we don't have dark spots yet, this wihtening essence can helps us to prevent the formation of dark spots. Don't wait until we have dark spots ! ^.^
For maximal results, don't forget to use all of seol whitening line. I really recommend this line!
Buat yang mau beli, bisa ikut pre order. Barang datang sekitar 2 mingguan. Cek produk, harga dan deskripsi produk whoo disini.
- make skin brighter and whiter from inside
- smell so nice
- light and soft texture
- moist but not oily
- luxury packaging, also made from glass bottle so it's plus point
- it can prevent dark spots
- it can helps reduce dark spots and acne spots
- expensive, but equal the quality btw
10/10 Very good whitening essence!
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