Minggu, 13 September 2015

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Gift Set 5 Items Review - 더 히스토리 오브 후 (后), 왕후의 비밀, 후 공진향 설 세트 리뷰

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Gift Set Review - 더 히스토리 오브 후 (后), 왕후의 비밀, 후 공진향 설 세트 리뷰

Hi, on this post i will review The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Gift Set 5 Items in new packaging, 2015. In the previous packaging, it came with a zip lock pouch and now it came with ordinary box. To be honest, i like the pouch more :(

The content isn't different from before (and here is the sequence):

- brightening cleansing foam 13ml
- whitening skin balancer 20ml
- whitening intensive 4ml
- whitening lotion 20ml
- whitening & moisture cream

How to use The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Gift Set 5 Items? Let me explain more on the post below.

Hi, dipost kali ini aku ingin mereview The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Gift Set 5 Items packaging terbaru nya yaitu packaging tahun 2015. Pada packaging sebelumnya dikemas dalam sebuah pouch bening zip lock dan sekarang hanya dikemas menggunakan kotak box biasa. Sebenarnya sih lebih suka kemasan pouch bening sih :(

Untuk isinya masih tetap sama seperti sebelumnya, yaitu:
- brightening cleansing foam 13ml
- whitening skin balancer 20ml
- whitening intensive 4ml
- whitening lotion 20ml
- whitening & moisture cream

Urutan cara pemakaian The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Gift Set 5 Items adalah seperti diatas itu ya.. dimulai dari cleansing foam hingga cream.

Berikut ini aku jabarkan lebih lanjut:

Step 1: The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Brightening Cleansing Foam

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Brightening Cleansing Foam

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Brightening Cleansing Foam

A snow-white herb extracts foam cleanser that adds transparency to your skin. While the rich and fine foam of the water-soluble cleanser thoroughly removes impurities and sebum even from the skin's pores, its oriental medicine-based 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' ingredients help keep the skin moist and clear. [Gongjinhyang:Seol - Mild royal court whitening to keep skin fair and clear] 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and mother chrysanthemum extract have been added to protect the skin and enhance the internal functioning of the skin to provide care for concealed spots as well as skin dullness. It is an Oriental medicine-based whitening line for the fundamental resolution of skin problems. 

How to use The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Brightening Cleansing Foam: 

Wet the face, apply a sufficient amount of the product, and lather. Gently massage the entire surface of the face and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Brightening cleansing foam ini membantu mencerahkan wajah, membersihkan wajah dari sebum dan minyak dari pori-pori kulit. Bahan oriental seperti 'Chilhyangpabbaeksan' membantu kulit tetap lembab dan bersih. Ekstrak Chilhyangpalbaeksan dan chrysanthemum merupakan bahan utama dalam produk ini dan berguna untuk melindungi kulit dan meningkatkan fungsi kulit dalam menjaga kulit dari kekusaman dan flek hitam. 

Cara Pakai The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Brightening Cleansing Foam:

Basahkan wajah lalu buat busa dari cleansing foam ini kemudian usapkan ke wajah. Pijat perlahan kemudian bilas dengan air hangat.

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Brightening Cleansing Foam - Texture and Scent

The texture of The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Brightening Cleansing Foam is quite soft and smooth on my skin. This cleansing foam cleans the skin deep into pores but it's a bit dry and rough for dry skin type. It has soft and soothing herbal scent.

Tekstur The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Brightening Cleansing Foam ini cukup lembut dikulit. Sabun cuci muka ini membersihkan kulit sampai ke pori-pori dan hasil akhir sedikit kesat dan agak kering untuk tipe kulit kering. Wangi herbal soft dan menenangkan.

Step 2 : The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Skin Balancer

 The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Skin Balancer

Exotic oriental medicine-based 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' ingredients and 'Gamguksu', a simmered and cold-processed wild chrysanthemum essence, are absorbed deep into the skin to make the skin as clean and clear as a white gem. It enhances the effectiveness of skin care products used in subsequent steps.
 [Gongjinhyang:Seol - Mild royal court whitening to keep skin fair and clear]

 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and mother chrysanthemum extract have been added to protect the skin and enhance the internal functioning of the skin to provide care for concealed spots as well as skin dullness. It is an Oriental medicine-based whitening line for the fundamental resolution of skin problems.

How to Use The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Skin Balancer:

 After washing the face, gently apply a sufficient amount of the product to the entire face following the skin's texture. Pat the skin to facilitate absorption.

Menggunakan bahan Chilhyangpalbaeksan dan Gamguksu, essence chrysanthemum yang direbus lalu didinginkan, meresap ke dalam kulit, membuat wajah terlihat bersih seperti permata putih.. Whitening skin balancer ini gunanya adalah untuk membantu meningkatkan efek produk skincare selanjutnya.

Cara Pakai The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Skin Balancer:

Setelah cuci muka, oleskan ke wajah secukupnya. Tepuk-tepuk perlahan agar lebih meresap.

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Skin Balancer - Texture and Scent

The texture of The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Skin Balancer is like water and it has soft and soothing herbal scent.

Tekstur dari The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Skin Balancer ini seperti air. Wangi herbal soft dan menenangkan.

Step 3 : The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Intensive

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Intensive

With a special ointment-like formula, Whitening Intensive is designed to provide natural and localized cover for skin blemishes. 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and wild chrysanthemum extract further accelerate the whitening process. Adhering tightly to the skin, the product thoroughly covers up and improves blemishes with a smooth and moisturized finish.
 [Gongjinhyang:Seol - Mild royal court whitening to keep skin fair and clear]

 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and mother chrysanthemum extract have been added to protect the skin and enhance the internal functioning of the skin to provide care for concealed spots as well as skin dullness. It is an Oriental medicine-based whitening line for the fundamental resolution of skin problems.

How to Use The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Intensive:

After using Whitening Essence or Whitening Jinaek Program, apply lightly to blemishes. Gently tap with ring fingers to facilitate absorption.

Dengan formula seperti obat salep / balsem, whitening intensive ini berfungsi untuk menutupi kekurangan diwajah, seperti jerawat ataupun flek. Ekstrak Chilhyangpalbaeksan dan chrysanthemum liar mempercepat proses pemutihan kulit. Whitening intensive mempunyai hasil akhir halus dan lembab.

Cara Pakai The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Intensive:

Setelah pakai whitening essence atau whitening jinaek program (kalau ngga pakai itu, diskip aja), oleskan pada kekurangan diwajah (bekas jerawat atau flek). Tepuk-tepuk perlahan dengan jari manis agar lebih meresap.

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Intensive - Texture and Scent

The texture of this whitening intensive is really ointment-like formula, a bit slick like candle, but it doesn't sticky at all. It has soft herbal scent.

Tekstur whitening intensive ini memang seperti obat salep / balsem, agak licin seperti lilin, dan ga lengket sama sekali. Wanginya herbal soft.

Step 4 : The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Lotion

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Lotion

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Lotion

Wild chrysanthemum extract, an active whitening ingredient, and  'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' produce a whitening synergy. Whitening Lotion helps keep the skin clean and transparent with a refreshed sensation. It goes on lightly and gently, is rapidly absorbed and leaves no stickiness or dryness. Only moisturize and smoothness.
 [Gongjinhyang:Seol - Mild royal court whitening to keep skin fair and clear]

 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and mother chrysanthemum extract have been added to protect the skin and enhance the internal functioning of the skin to provide care for concealed spots as well as skin dullness. It is an Oriental medicine-based whitening line for the fundamental resolution of skin problems.

How to Use The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Lotion:

After using Whitening Intensive, evenly apply a sufficient amount following the skin texture and press both palms to the face to facilitate absorption.

Bahan pemutih aktif dari whitening lotion ini adalah chrysanthemum liar dan Chilhyangpalbaeksan, membantu kulit tetap bersih dan terlihat segar. Bahannya ringan dan lembut dikulit, mudah meresap dan ga meninggalkan rasa lengket ataupun kering dikulit. Kulit terasa halus, lembut dan lembab.

Cara Pakai The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Lotion:

Setelah menggunakan whitening intensive, oleskan pada wajah dan tekan-tekan kedua telapak tangan ke wajah dengan lembut untuk membantu lotion terserap dengan baik di kulit.

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening Lotion - Texture and Scent

The texture of whitening lotion is light and smooth on my skin. It has soft and soothing herbal scent.

Tekstur whitening lotion ini ringan dan lembut dikulit. Wangi herbal soft menenangkan.

Step 5 : The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening & Moisture Cream

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening & Moisture Cream

'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and wild chrysanthemum extract, active whitening ingredients, penetrate deep within the skin for a complexion as clean and clear as a white gem. With a texture as smooth as fresh cream, the product goes on gently and delicately. Whitening Cream also keeps the skin moisturized for a long time with its high moisture content. As soon as it is applied, it gives a powdery feel and brightens the skin tone with a special smoothness that lasts into the next day.
 [Gongjinhyang:Seol - Mild royal court whitening to keep skin fair and clear]

 'Chilhyangpalbaeksan' and mother chrysanthemum extract have been added to protect the skin and enhance the internal functioning of the skin to provide care for concealed spots as well as skin dullness. It is an Oriental medicine-based whitening line for the fundamental resolution of skin problems.

How to Use The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening & Moisture Cream:

 After using Whitening Lotion, apply a sufficient amount to the forehead, cheeks and chin and gently spread in an outward direction. 

Ekstrak Chilhyangpalbaeksan dan chrysanthemum liar sebagai bahan aktif pemutih, membuat wajah terlihat bersih seperti permata putih. Dengan tekstur halus, membuat cream ini terasa lembut di kulit. Whitening cream ini membantu melembabkan kulit dengan kelembaban yang tinggi dan mencerahkan wajah serta lembab sepanjang hari.

Cara Pakai The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening & Moisture Cream:

Setelah menggunakan whitening lotion, aplikasikan ke dahi, pipi dan dagu lalu secara perlahan usapkan ke arah luar.

The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Seol Whitening & Moisture Cream - Texture and Scent

This whitening & moisture cream feels soft and smooth on my skin. It has soft and soothing herbal scent. 

Whitening & moisture cream ini terasa lembut dan halus dikulit. Mempunyai wangi herbal yang soft dan menenangkan. 

Buat yang mau beli, bisa contact:
Sms/Whatsapp +6285211112425
BBM to 228F827F
Email to annateshop@gmail.com
Lokasi: Jakarta, Indonesia

- gift set is suitable for who want to try it before buying the fullsize / gift set cocok untuk yang baru mau coba sebelum membeli ukuran fullsize
- affordable price (cheaper than buy the fullsize) / harga terjangkau (kalau dibandingkan dengan membeli ukuran fullsize)
- suitable for all skin type / cocok untuk semua jenis kulit
- effectively whitens skin / efektif memutihkan kulit wajah
-  it has soft and soothing herbal scent / wangi herbal yang soft dan menenangkan
- can reduce dark spots and sacne scar / bisa memudarkan flek dan bekas jerawat
- it can prevent dark spots / mencegah munculnya flek
- can be used for age 20 years and over / bisa digunakan untuk umur 20 tahun ke atas

-  run out fastly (of course since it just trial kit) / cepat habis
- sometimes, for people who just trying whoo skincare, they can experience purging (depends on their skin) / untuk yang baru mencoba skincare whoo, kadang suka purging (tergantung kulit masing-masing)

Definitely Yes!

10/10 It's great whitening skincare and worth to try.

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