Senin, 26 Oktober 2020

사랑의 물리학 김인육 Physics of Love Kim In Yook 시 낭독 ASMR Korean Poem Reading

Hi guys, hari ini aku mau share ke kalian nih.. Kemarin ada lomba dari King Sejong Institute Center Indonesia (event Hangeul Day 2020) yaitu lomba baca puisi penyair Korea dalam bahasa Korea.. 
Jadi aku ikutan deh hehe.. Aku pakai gambar tulisan (ceritanya lagi nulis ulang isi puisinya).
Apakah kalian bisa tebak aku remake scene untuk K-Drama yang mana? 
Divideo ini aku tulis kembali puisinya dalam Hangeul sambil membaca puisinya dalam bahasa Korea lalu dibagian akhir ada adegan daun maple (maple leaf) seperti di drama hihi..
Baiklah, ini guys judulnya dalam bahasa Korea yaitu 사랑의 물리학 oleh penyair 김인육 atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya Physics of love by Kim In Yook.
Puisi ini pernah dibawakan oleh Gong Yoo di drama Goblin 도깨비. Scene itu termasuk favouriteku karena ya ampunnnnn suaranya Gong Yoo itu ya udah kayak bukan suara manusia lagi saking bagusnya... Sampe kuulang-ulang terus! Apakah kamu setuju guys?

Hi guys, today i want to share, that a while ago i challenge myself to compete in reciting Korean Poem. It is a competition to read Korean Poem in Korean language, it is 2020 Hangeul Day event by King Sejong Institute Center Indonesia. I made a video of hand writing of this poem in Hangeul while reciting the poem. Can you guess the K-Drama name that i remake? In this video i added a maple leaf as in the drama. 
So, guys it is 사랑의 물리학  by 김인육 or Physics of Love by Kim In Yook in English.
The poem was read by Gong Yoo before in Goblin 도깨비 drama. That scene is my favourite one because, omg... like, Gong Yoo voice isn't human voice!!! It's sooooooooo great!! I repeated the scene many times, maybe hundreds times already! It's so goood! Are you agree with me? 

사랑의 물리학 김인육 

질량의 크기는 부피와 비례하지 않는다 
제비꽃같이 조그마한 그 계집애가 
꽃잎같이 하늘거리는 그 계집애가 
지구보다 더 큰 질량으로 나를 끌어당긴다. 
순간, 나는 
뉴턴의 사과처럼 
사정없이 그녀에게로 굴러 떨어졌다 
쿵 소리를 내며, 쿵쿵 소리를 내며 

하늘에서 땅까지 
아찔한 진자운동을 계속하였다


Physics of love Kim In Yook 

Mass is not proportional to volume 
A girl as small as a violet 
A girl who moves like a flower petal 
is pulling me towards her with more force than her mass. 
Just then, 
I am Like Newtons Apple
 I rolled towards her without stopping 
Until I fell on her 
With a thump, with a thump 
My heart Keeps bouncing between the sky and the ground 
It was my first love. 

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