Jumat, 07 Agustus 2020

Sulwhasoo Hydro Aid Moisturizing Soothing Mist Review 설화수 수율미스트 리뷰

안녕하세요 여러분, kali ini mari kita review produknya Sulwhasoo, yaitu Sulwhasoo Hydro-Aid Moisturizing Soothing Mist! 
Jadi, produk ini adalah salah satu produk face mist dari Sulwhasoo, selain itu sih ada First Care Activating Serum Mist tapi aku belum coba yang itu.

So, Sulwhasoo Hydro-Aid Moisturizing Soothing Mist ini adalah face mist yang cocok untuk kulit yang lelah, dan dia membuat wajah terasa segar dan lembab.
Face mist ini terbuat dari birch sap yang bagus untuk menenangkan dan menghidrasi kulit, memberikan rasa segar. Selain birch sap, dia juga mengandung ekstrak Liriope Muscara dan GinSprout, dua bahan utama Sulwhasoo yang membuat kulit lembab. 

Hi guys, let's review a product from Sulwhasoo, Sulwhasoo Hydro-aid Moisturizing Soothing Mist! This is one of Sulwhasoo face mist, if you know, they also have First Care Activating Serum Mist, but i haven't try that yet :( 
So, Sulwhasoo Hydro-Aid Moisturizing Soothing Mist is a face mist that helps instantly refresh and moisturize tired skin. It made from birch sap that helps gently soothe and hydrate the skin, while delivering a cooling and refreshing sensation.
Moisturizing and soothing facial mist for long lasting moisture.

The Liriope muscari extract and GinSprout, two of Sulwhasoo’s signature ingredients, deliver long lasting rich moisture to the skin. Smooth texture and refreshing scent for comfortable skin.

Spraynya itu rata, halus, dan jangkauannya lebih luas dibandingkan face mist pada umumnya. Wanginya segar (wangi herbal khas nya Sulwhasoo gitu). Kata iklannya sih wanginya segar dan menenangkan seolah kita sedang berjalan di hutan yang indah.

It sprays evenly at a wider angle, giving the skin a sense of comfort. The refreshing scent delivers peace and serenity as if walking through a beautiful forest.

Botolnya terbuat dari plastik, mudah digenggam. Ohya ini ukuran 30ml, kalau fullsizenya 100ml. Enak buat dibawa kemana-mana. Kalau wajah lagi lelah atau kusam, tinggal semprot langsung terasa segar.

The bottle was made from plastic, so it's comfortable to use. And this is mini size 30ml while the fullsize is 100ml. It is comfortable to bring it everywhere. When i feels my skin tired or dull, i just need to spray it and it instantly refresh my skin!

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2020

Twice 9th Album More & More 트와이스 More & More 앨범

안녕하세요 여러분, kali ini mau bahas tentang album ke-9 nya Twice (트와이스) yang judulnya More & More. Album yang ini dirilis tanggal 1 Juni 2020 kemarin, dan terdapat 3 versi yaitu versi A, versi B, dan versi C. Yang kupunya ini versi B. 

Hi guys, this time i want to talk about Twice new album, More & More. More & More is the ninth Korean EP by the South Korean girl group Twice. Released 1st June 2020.
There are 3 version of this album: Version A, Version B, Version C. I have the Version B.

Cover Depan

Cover Belakang

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2020

Skinfood Coconut Sugar Mask Wash Off Review 스킨푸드 코코넛 슈가 마스크 워시오프 리뷰

안녕하세요 여러분, kali ini aku mau review Skinfood Coconut Sugar Mask Wash Off (스킨푸드 코코넛 슈가 마스크 워시오프 리뷰).

pic from / credit to : Skinfood

Skinfood Coconut Sugar Mask Wash Off ini adalah masker wajah tipe wash off yang bahan-bahannya alami, yaitu terbuat dari coconut flower sugar dan coconut pulp, mengandung mineral dan nutrisi yang dapat membersihkan pori-pori dengan lembut. 

Skinfood Coconut Sugar Mask Wash Off is a scrub mask that fully contains coconut flower sugar and coconut pulp rich in minerals and nutrients to gently cleanse skin and pores, make it moist and smooth. 

Tekstur wash off ini agak sedikit lengket dan rasanya tebal kayak selai kacang gitu deh, tapi enak kok waktu di aplikasikan ke wajah. Agak sedikit berminyak, well cocok buatku yang kulitnya kering sih. 

Dan wanginya itu enak banget.... wanginya kalau kalian tahu itu kayak wangi manis permen kelapa yang jadul itu lho yang bungkusnya warna warni polos. Wanginya enak, jadi pingin cicipin tapi yah ga boleh dimakan ya guys...
Btw, ini yang kureview adalah packaging limited edition sih tapi sayang kalau ga dipost. 
Yang ini ukuran mini size yah 60 gr, kalau ukuran asli / fullsize nya 100 gr. 

It has thick and sticky texture, like peanut butter but it's okay when i applied it to my skin. A bit oily, well it is suitable for my dry skin tho..

And it smell so good.... sweet, like.. coconut candy? It make me want to taste it but well i can't, right....? 
Btw, in this post what i review is the limited edition packaging and it just... a waste if i don't post it. And this is mini size 60 gram while the fullsize is 100 gram. 

Cara pakainya: setelah cuci muka, ambil secukupnya lalu usapkan ke wajah. Kalau aku sih karena ga mau rempong dan juga karena kulitku rada kering, jadi aku pakainya tanpa cuci muka dulu. Aku usapkan tanpa ditambah air biar lebih berasa sih scrubnya. Boleh juga ditambahin sedikit air atau toner. Usap-usapkan ke wajah sekitar 5 menitan lalu dibilas dengan air biasa atau air hangat juga boleh. Waktu pakai, ada sensasi hangat gitu diwajahku. 

How to use: 

After cleansing, take appropriate amount of the mask then applied it onto your skin. Because i like it simple and because of my dry skin type, i use it without cleanse my skin first. I don't mix it with water because i want to feel the scrub (i feel it is more effective without water). You can mix it with water or toner. Scrub it for about 5 minutes then wash it off with water or warm water. I feel a bit warm when i applying the mask.

Masker wash off ini termasuk favorite ku banget, karena aku suka wanginya enak banget, lalu scrubnya halus banget, beda kalau dibandingkan sama yang Black Sugar / Black Sugar sStrawberry Wash off nya. Oh ya kamu bisa baca review Skinfood Black Sugar Strawberry Mask Wash Off ku disini. Karena scrubnya halus, masker ini bisa kupakai 2-3x seminggu. 
Masker ini menurutku bagus banget, bikin kulit halus dan lembab, juga pori-pori dan kulitku jadi bersih. Ga bikin iritasi walaupun sering dipakai. 

This is one of my favourite mask, i like the scent, i like the soft scrub, you know it's very different from the Skinfood Black Sugar / Black Sugar Strawberry Mask Wash Off. You can read my Skinfood Black Sugar Strawberry Mask Wash Off here. Because the scrub is soft, i can use it 2-3 times a week. This mask make my skin feel smooth, moist, and it really cleanse my pores and skin amazingly. It doesn't iritated my skin even though i often use it.

- not too expensive
- made from natural ingredients
- smells good
- mild scrub


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Minggu, 12 Juli 2020

Son and Park Beauty Water Review 손앤박 뷰티 워터 리뷰

안녕하세요 여러분, kali ini aku mau review Son and Park Beauty Water atau dalam bahasa Koreanya 손앤박 뷰티 워터.

Btw ini baru belajar bikin youtube ala ala, mohon dimaafkan kalau kaku huhu... buat video itu susah banget.
Btw i just learn how to make youtube video, it so hard!! Hope your understanding~

Beauty water ini digunakan sebagai toner, pembersih dan juga pelembab wajah, fungsinya buat menghidrasi kulit, menghilangkan kotoran di wajah, membersihkan sel-sel kulit mati. Selain itu juga bisa menenangkan kulit wajah, membuat kulit lebih cerah dan halus.
SON & PARK Beauty Water acts as a toner, cleanser and moisturizer to remove impurities, while hydrating to keep the skin more moisturized and supple for a better makeup condition. It has calming effect and make skin looks brighter and smoother.
Beauty water ini punya wangi bunga mawar, lavender dan lain-lain, enak sih wanginya segar ga menyengat. Dan amazingnya beauty water ini punya Ph 4.5, efektif untuk mengembalikan pH alami kulit setelah cleansing. 
Cocok untuk kulit kering, normal, berminyak maupun kombinasi. Paraben free pula.
The Beauty Water has rose, lavender and others scent, it has fresh scent and not too much. And amazingly, it has a pH of 4.5, effectively resetting the skin's natural pH after cleansing. Suitable for dry, normal, oily and combination skin types. Paraben Free.

Senin, 13 Januari 2020

Happy New Year 2020! 여러분, 새해 복 많이 받아요

Hi guys, sorry for MIA for almost 2 years, wow~ it's been a while, right?

Beberapa tahun belakangan aku lagi sibuk, banget sampai ga bisa ngeblog :(
Selama dua-tiga tahun belakangan ini, aku kerja kantoran dari pagi sampai malem, setelah habis kerja aku lanjut les musik, yaitu alat musik tradisional Korea dan akhir pekan (sabtu dan juga minggu) aku les bahasa Korea wkwkk... benar-benar aku tuh kayak ga ada napas saking sibuknya.
So,  tbh i am so busy to the point that it was so hard to write anything for my blog :( For the past two or three years, I have been working in the office from morning to night, after finishing my work I went to music class, which is a traditional Korean musical instrument and on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) I studied Korean language, haha. it's like there's no breathing time for me, i was so busy.

But, first of all mohon maaf ya karena MIA lama banget, yang kedua Happy New Year 2020!!

Semoga di tahun 2020 ini aku bisa lebih produktif dalam hal blogging ini. Dan juga kudoakan kalian semua sukses dan sehat selalu di tahun 2020 ini.
But, first of all, i am so sorry because i was MIA all of this time, second, Happy New Year 2020 !! Hopefully in 2020 I can be more productive in blogging. And also wish you all to be successful and healthy in 2020.

Sebenarnya aku ingin nulis blog tentang les bahasa korea dan alat musik tradisional korea selama 3 tahun ini, tapi aku bingung ya.. kan ini blog aku tulis mengenai kosmetik korea. Aneh ga sih kalau tetiba nulis tentang les bahasa korea dan alat musik tradisional korea? Atau enaknya buat blog satu lagi ya?
Butuh pendapat nih guys, tolong komen dibawah ya untuk pendapat kalian.. hehe.. makasih...
Actually I want to write a blog about my Korean language lessons and traditional Korean musical instruments classes this past 3 years, but I'm a bit confused... actually this is the blog I wrote about Korean cosmetics. Isn't it weird if i suddenly write about Korean language lessons and Korean traditional musical instruments on this blog? Do i need to make another blog?

I am kinda of need some opinions guys, please comment below for your opinions. thanks..

여러분, 새해 복 많이 받아요~

이번에 정말 열심히 블로그 쓰고 싶어요 ㅎㅎ