Senin, 16 September 2013

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening & Moisture Cream (Fullsize) Review

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Series 

Do u guys already know about seol line from Whoo? From what i know, here is the seol series:

- Brightening Cleansing Foam

--> ini adalah sabun cuci muka nya dan dipakai pertama kali. Baca review nya disini
--> it's a cleansing foam. Read my review here.

- Whitening Skin Balancer

--> teksturnya cair dan dipakai setelah selesai cuci muka. Baca reviewnya disini.
--> the texture is liquid, used it after cleansing foam. Read my review here.

- Whitening Essence

--> digunakan setelah skin balancer.
--> it used after the skin balancer.

- Brightening Peel Off Pack

--> ini sama dengan masker peel off, dioleskan keseluruh wajah lalu biarkan kering. Setelah kering, ditarik dari bawah ke atas. Biasanya digunakan setelah essence, tapi aku selalu pakainya setelah cuci muka, kan sayang skin balancer dan essence nya yang terbuang lol. 

--> it's same as peel off mask. Apply it to entire face and leave it dry. After it completely dried, peel it  off from bottom to above. Usually, it used after balancer+essence. But i don't like to waste the balancer and essence, so i use it right after i cleanse my face using the brightening foam.

- Jinaek Whitening Program Kit

--> program pemutih dalam 4 minggu, terdiri dari 4 botol jinaek program kit dan 1 brightening gel ukuran 45ml. 

--> it's 4 intensive whitening program kit. Include 4 bottle of jinaek program kit and 1 brightening gel 45ml.

- Whitening Intensive

--> whitening intensive ini bagus banget untuk memperbaiki tekstur kulit, mengurangi flek hitam dan bekas jerawat, bahkan bekas luka (pengalamanku sih). Dan ini merupakan best seller dari seri whiteningnya whoo. Tapi harganya mahal, sekitar 1,5jt untuk ukuran fullsize 20ml. Whitening intensive biasanya hanya digunakan didaerah yang berflek/bernoda saja, ga keseluruh muka ya.
Baca review nya disini.

--> whitening intensive is really really good to improve skin texture, reduce dark spot and acne scars, and even scars (from my experience). And it's the best seller from the seol line. And of course, it's expensive.. As it has the quality, it has the price. About $128 (July 19th 2014 exchange rate). The fullsize only 20ml. Expensive, right? The whitening intensive usually used in dark spot or acne scars, not to entire face. Read my review here.

- Whitening Lotion

--> lotion atau biasa disebut emulsion digunakan setelah menggunakan whitening intensive.
--> lotion can be used after whitening intensive.

- Whitening and Moisture Cream

--> ini adalah cream wajah yang melembabkan sekaligus memutihkan wajah, digunakan setelah menggunakan lotion. Baca review nya disini.

--> it's the whitening and moisture cream which is good to whiten skin and moist. Use it after lotion. Read my review here.

- Brightening Gel

--> brightening gel ini sama dengan peeling. Gunakan setelah cuci muka, muka dilap kering lalu gosokkan brightening gel ke seluruh muka lalu bilas dengan air hangat. Baca reviewnya disini.

--> it's same as peeling. After cleansing, tap dry the skin and then use this brightening gel to entire face, rub it until some sebum and dirts out. Then wash with warm water. Read my review here.

 The History of Whoo Brightening Sun BB Cream SPF 45/PA++

--> bb cream, dipakai setelah cream dan sebelum whitening pact. Baca reviewnya disini.
--> bb cream, used after cream and before whitening pact. Review my review here.

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Pact SPF 45 / PA+++ 

--> bedak padat, terdiri dari 2 warna yaitu No. 21 Light Beige dan No.23 Natural Beige. Baca review nya disini.
it's whitening powder pact, available in 2 shades: No.21 Light Beige and No.23 Natural Beige. Read my review here.

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening & Moisture Cream 
credit to: Hương Phạm
Setelah mencoba travel size nya The History of Whoo Seol Whitening, hasilnya memang bagus banget, wajah jadi putih, muka jadi halus dan tekstur kulit jadi membaik hari demi hari, makin lama makin kinclong xixixi.. Jadi ga ada salahnya lanjut ke ukuran fullsize, karena kesannya lebih mewah >.< dan ingin menambah koleksi premium skincare.
After tried The History of Whoo Seol Whitening travel size, i fell it was really good, my skin became whiter, smooth, and my skin texture also get better day by day, and look glowing! So, i want to buy the fullsize, bcos it looks so luxurious and bcos i want to add my premium skincare collection :p 
The History of Whoo Seol Whitening & Moisture Cream 

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening & Moisture Cream 

Selasa, 10 September 2013

Etude House Sweet Recipe All Over Color #OR202 Peach Sugar Cake Review

credit to: etudeblog
Etude House Sweet Recipe All Over Color #PK001, #PK002, #RD301, #OR201, #OR202
Sweet Recipe All Over Color ini adalah salah satu line Sweet Recipe dari Etude House, fungsinya ada 3 yaitu bisa dipakai sebagai pewarna bibir, eyeshadow dan blush on. Terdiri dari 5 pilihan warna: #PK001, #PK002, #RD301, #OR201, #OR202. 
Sweet Recipe All Over Color is one of Sweet Recipe Line from Etude House, it can used as lips color, eyeshadow and blush on. Have 5 color: #PK001, #PK002, #RD301, #OR201, #OR202. 

Minggu, 08 September 2013

Etude House Dear My Blooming Lipstalk #OR205 Review

Etude House Dear My Blooming Lipstalk #OR205
Kali ini mau mereview lipstick favourite, yaitu dear my blooming lipstalk dari etude house. Pasti sudah banyak yang tau lipstick dear my blooming ini kan? Karena sudah banyak para blogger yang mereviewnya. Dan karena warnanya yang super pretty, akhirnya kucoba juga deh >.<
This time i want to review 'bout my favourite lipstick, dear my blooming lipstalk from etude house. Many of you already heard 'bout it right? Bcos there are many blogger have review them. And bcos the color was so pretty, i decided to try it >.<
Etude House Dear My Blooming Lipstalk #OR205

Jumat, 06 September 2013

Sulwhasoo Snowise Ex White Ginseng Exfoliating Gel Review

Sulwhasoo Snowise Ex White Ginseng Exfoliating Gel
Snowise adalah seri whitening dari Sulwhasoo, dengan desain yang sangat simple dan berwarna putih polos tapi kelihatan elite nya. 
Kali ini mereview exfoliating gel nya, yang fungsinya untuk mencerahkan wajah. Dan review kali ini menggunakan sample sachetan ;p 
Snowise is Sulwhasoo whitening series, the design was so simple with white color but looks expensive. This time i wanna review their exfoliating gel, which is good for brighten skin.
Check it out~

Senin, 02 September 2013

Nature Republic Snail Therapy Mask Sheet Review

Nature Republic Snail Therapy Mask Sheet
Ini adalah salah satu masker tissue favoritku ^o^
Masker tissue ini satu seri dengan seri Snail Therapy dari Nature Republic. Aku sudah cobain beberapa jenis dari snail therapy nature republic dan aku suka banget, soalnya lendir snailnya benar-benar berkhasiat, bikin muka jadi mulussss dan halussss bangettt.. Kalau dibandingkan dengan merk lain, aku paling suka snail therapy dari nature republic. Memang oke banget. 
Seri snail therapy dari nature republic identik dengan warna ungu tua dan ada gambar snail. Desainnya super simple, ga banyak gambar dan ga warna-warni.
 This is one of my favourite mask sheet ^o^
This is one of Snail Therapy line from Nature Republic. I already tried some of their snail therapy line and i really love it, bcos the snail therapy really work, make my skin smoother and soft. If i consider other brands, i'll choose Nature Republic, really good.........
This snail therapy line has purple color and using snail pic. The design was super simple, not much picture nor colorful.