So, b•liv by cellnique has contacted me to review their best seller product, "off with those heads blackheads sebum gel". First, let me introduce you with b.liv b•liv was created to cater Confident, Stylish, Dynamic and On-The-Go Youth who Love Skincare that is Easy-To-Use and has Proven Results!
Great Look with Ease b•liv was developed to create Immediate Results for Young Professionals requiring Products that are Sophisticated, with the functions Simple-To-Understand and Easy-To-Use.
100% Happy or Money Back All b•liv products are sold with a 14 days "Money-Back-Guarantee", No Questions Asked.
Salon-Quality Bio-Technologically-Formulated to Treat You with Premium Beauty-Salon-Experience
b•liv off with those heads blackheads sebum gel is good to removes blackheads and whiteheads. So, what's blackheads? According to Wikipedia, blackheads are clogged pores, can be open or closed. Open comedones (Blackhead), looks like enlarged pores and blackened. Closed comedones (whiteheads) have skin that grows over the clogged pores so it looks like little white bumps. This type of acne blackheads are caused by dead skin cells and excessive secretion of oil glands in the skin.
1 Blackhead Blackheads is a type that looks like enlarged pores and blackened. Occurs when enlarged pores and open to the skin surface and into the oil glands, then oxidized by the air and changed into black / brown. This type of blackheads are most commonly experienced by most people. 2 Whitehead Whitehead is the type of blackheads look like small spots of white or yellow. This type of Blackheads occur when oil and bacteria trapped beneath the skin's surface and hardens.
- taken from b.liv website -
The blackheads are annoying, right? Don't worry, you can use this best way to "blackhead-free & clear skin" solving problems from their root causes, using b•liv off with those heads blackheads sebum gel.
Say goodbye to painful
squeezing! This light cooling gel promises to easily remove stubborn blackheads
and whiteheads in just 14 days of daily application. It keeps excessive oil
secretion under control while preventing future irritation and breakouts.
Benefit :
• Removes blackheads
and whiteheads
• Keeps acne under control
• Controls oil
• Unclogs pores
• Provides a gentle exfoliation
• Has soothing and hydrating properties
What it claims:
- instant result
- safe ingredients
- anti allergic
- anti skin irritation
- 100% satisfaction
b•liv by cellnique off with those heads
I got mine 30ml. This sebum gel extracts white and blackheads with ease - without the need to painfully squeeze. This product removes white and blackheads without violence or pain and stops them from appearing ever again. The gel softens the clogging blocking your pores, allowing for effortless extraction and removal of all sores. Its essence ingredients keep oil secretions under control, and skin irritation will never again rule!
b•liv by cellnique off with those heads - Ingredients
The ingredients:
Too bad it's contains methylparaben and propylparaben. And it also contains Menthol and make my skin felt sting.
How to use:
Use Off With Those Heads daily, on your cleansed, towel-dried face. - pump 2-3 pea-sized drops onto your palm - apply on T-zne areas or areas with blackheads and whiteheads
b•liv by cellnique off with those heads
b•liv by cellnique off with those heads
The packaging is quite simple but i like it came with a pump, it helps to keep the gel hygienic! And the exp date is long, 3 years!
Pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2014 lalu, aku ngikutin acara Beauty Fair Belle, Belle, Belle dari Galeries Lafayette yaitu acara acara beauty fair yang pertama kalinya diadakan oleh Galeries Lafayette (ada di mall Pacific Place). Acara diadakan dari tanggal 14 sampai 17 Agustus 2014. Di 4 hari ini diadakan talk shows dan product demo oleh berbagai beauty and skincare brands, seperti :
- Clarins
- Crabtree & Evelyn
- L'occitane
- H2O
- GlamGlow
- Lancome
- Bernard Cassiere
- Acca Kappa
- Guerlain
- Natura Derma
- Anna Sui
- Lampeberger
- Oscar Blandi
- Lainnya
Jadwal acaraya antara lain:
Thursday, 14 August 2014 2pm onwards “The Launch of
Joy Roesma & Nadia Mulya’s Book “MOMS AND THE CITY” in collaboration with
the opening of BELLE, BELLE, BELLE” “Discover Shaping
Facial Lift: Perfect 3V Countour from Every Angle by CLARINS” “Great Benefit of
Natural Skincare by CRABTREE & EVELYN with Female Daily Beauty Editor” Hosted by Cathy
Sharon, Dian Sastrowardoyo, Nirina Zubir and Winda Siregar. Dress Code : Touch of Orange
Thursday, 14 August 2014 From 4pm to 6pm “Angelica Skin
Care Routine, for Angelic Beauty by L’OCCITANE” “Great Benefit of
Natural Skincare by H20 with Female Daily Beauty Editor” “Instant Camera
Ready “Experience Award Winning Mask by GLAMGLOW”
Thursday, 14 August 2014 From 6pm to 8pm “Celebrating 10
Years of Hypnose Mascara by LANCOME with Dara Setyohadi (Brand Ambassador)” “Healty-Glow Skin
with Kiwi by BERNARD CASSIERE with Pauline Carriere” “Beautiful Table
Setting by Yulie and Dara Setyohadi Stylish Roses Painting Dinnerware” Dress Code : Floral (Win 2 beautiful gifts for
Best Dress and Best Make Up)”
Friday, 15 August 2014 From 11.30am to 2pm “Tame your Frizzy
Hair with Thermo Natura Brush by ACCA KAPPA with Yarri Rivani (Hairstylist)” “Meteorites
Aquarella Summer 2014 by GUERLAIN with Angelina Verona (Make Up Artist)”
Friday, 15 August 2014 From 1.30pm to 3.30pm “One Stop Anti
Aging Solution by NATURA DERMA with Dr Uqe and Dr Sonia Wibisono” “Glittering
Fall/Winter 2014 Look by ANNA SUI with Rima Zania (Make Up Artist)”
Friday, 15 August 2014 From 3pm to 5pm “Jumpstart Your
Summer Routine with Body Lift Cellulite Control by CLARINS” “Enhancing Your
Natural Beauty by DECLEOR” “Talk Show with
Friday, 15 August 2014 From 4.30pm to 7pm “Eye Couture
Palette: A Work of Art by YSL with Shinta (Make Up Artist)” “Miracle of
Pitera: How To Change Your Skin Destiny by SK-II”
Saturday, 16 August 2014 From 12.30pm to 2pm “One Stop
Anti-Aging Solution by NATURA DERMA with Dr. Uqe”
Saturday, 16 August 2014 From 1.30pm to 3.30pm “Meteorites
Aquarella Summer 2014 by GUERLAIN with Angelina Verona (Make Up Artist)” “LAMPEBERGER for
Fashionable People: Live In Air You Love by LAMPEBERGER with Fitri Wahab,
Bernard (Look Model Inc), Davina Verona and Mi Ri Huang (Former Miss Korea).”
Saturday, 16 August 2014 From 3pm to 5.30pm “Eye Couture
Palette: A Work of Art by YSL with Shinta (Make Up Artist)” “Celebrating 10
Years of Hypnose Mascara by LANCOME with Dara Setyohadi (Brand Ambassador)”
Saturday, 16 August 2014 From 5pm to 6.30pm “Perfect Match
for Sexy Skin by GLAMGLOW” “Discover Sexy
Bouncy Hair by OSCAR BLANDI”
Sunday, 17 August 2014 Enjoy special
promotion, and privilege from all participating brands that we offer only
during this last day of Beauty Fair.
Acara ini selain talk shows yang memberikan beberapa tips kecantikan dan produk terkini dari masing2 brand (dengan tema yang berbeda-beda), juga ada promo2 seru yang sayang kalau dilewatkan.
Di talkshows ini, diberikan beberapa tips kecantikan dan produk2 terkini. Acara yang kuikuti adalah tanggal 16 Agustus 2014 mulai jam 3pm, yaitu dari YSL, Lancome, GlamGlow dan Oscar Blandi.
Acara ini juga menampilkan Dara Setyohadi (Brand Ambassador) dan Andra Alodita lho.
YSL Product
Sebelum acara dimulai, cek produk dari YSL dulu :) Ada eyeshadow dan lisptick dengan aneka warna yang cantik dan bikin ngiler (X_X)
YSL The Couture Signature For Eyes
YSL The Couture Signature For Eyes
YSL The Couture Signature For Eyes adalah produk terbaru dari YSL, satu palette eyeshadow yang terdiri dari 5 warna yang bisa digunakan untuk makeup sehari-hari hingga makeup ke pesta.
YSL The Couture Signature For Eyes No.9 - Swatch
Ini adalah swatch dari YSL The Couture Signatrure For Eyes No.9, yang juga digunakan oleh MUA kepada model untuk make up demo kali ini.
YSL Touch Eclat Radiant Touch
YSL Touch Eclat Radiant Touch
YSL Make Up Demo
"Eye Couture Palette: A Work of Art" by YSL with Shinta (MUA) menggunakan YSL The Couture Signature For Eyes No.9.
YSL Make Up Demo
With YSL Model For Galeries Lafayette Beauty Fair
She's realy looks like a doll, pretty and tall! I should use my high heel lol
Lancome Make Up Demo
And next is from "Show Your Beautiful Eyes with Hypnose" Celebrating 10 years of Hypnose Mascara by Lancome with Dara Setyohadi (Brand Ambassador).
With Lancome Model for Galeries Lafayette Beauty Fair
She's pretty, slim and tall :)
Goody Bag
And well, ga lupa membawa pulang goody bag dan hadiah dari YSL, GlamGlow dan Oscar Blandi. Hadiah dari YSL berupa YSL Forever Youth Liberator Mousse Nettoyante Cleansing Foam dan GlamGlow Thirstymud Hydrating Treatment Mask (Fullsize!). Dari OScar Blandi aku dapat Instant Volumizimg Shampoo dan Conditionernya. Review later yah.
On August 12th 2014 ago, i got an invitation from Shu Uemura to attend Shu Uemura Brave Beauty Art Make Up Competition at Empirica Jakarta with Kakuyasu Uchiide(Shu Uemura International Artistic Director) and Tex Saverio(Top Indonesia Fashion Designer). It's such a honour i can attend this event.
By the way, it was held in Empirica Jakarta and it's such a nice place!
Shu Uemura Brave Beauty
Shu Uemura Brave Beauty Art Make Up Competition is prestigious annual competition honors the lifelong creativity of the late Mr Shu Uemura, well-known for having elevated make-up to the status of an art, and demonstrates the revolutionary concept that make-up design is artistic expression. Open to novices and professionals alike, this competition is organized to discover budding talents and to promote artistry among particing professionals.
This year, the theme for the beauty art competition is “The Brave Beauty” a tribute to strong, fearless, adventurous femininity, empower your soul with uber-chic rock paint. Show your bravest and most creative artistic interpretation.
And the judges are Kakuyasu Uchiide (Shu Uemura International Artistic Director) and Tex Saverio (Top Indonesia Fashion Designer).
“International Artistic Director dari Jepang dan Tex Saverio
mendukung kompetisi Make-Up Shu Uemura”
Jakarta, 12 Agustus 2014 – Shu Uemura Indonesia berkesempatan untuk mengadakan grand finale beauty art make-up competition, bertempat di Empirica, Jakarta. Tema yang di usung kali ini adalah “Brave Beauty” – strong, fearless adventurous, femininity.Beauty art make-up competition tidak hanya semata-mata untuk hiburan, namun Shu Uemura berkomitmen untuk mengapresiasi talenta-talenta terbaik yang dimiliki dan berharap kompetisi ini akan menginspirasi serta memberikan motivasi dan semangat kepada para professional make-up artist.
Lebih dari 100 undangan eksklusif hadir untuk menyaksikan. Tidak ketinggalan juga Shu Uemura Indonesia mengundang langsung Shu Uemura International Artistic Director dari Jepang, Mr. Uchiide sebagai juri kehormatan.
Kakuyasu Uchiide (Shu Uemura International Artistic Director)
As a make-up artist and the successor to Mr. Shu Uemura's philosophy and DNA, Kakuyasu Uchiide is heavily involved in product and visual development. In line with the founder's belief that "the creativity of an artist is generated at the intersection of different cultures and trends," he has played a leading role at the forefront of fashion, creating make-up looks for numerous high fashion collections.
"Mr. Uchiide adalah International Artistic Director
shu uemura. Beliau bergabung dengan shu uemura pada tahun 1988 dan memiliki passion yang besar terhadap dunia
make-up. Ia terinspirasi oleh Mr. Shu Uemura sendiri dan bercita-cita untuk menjadi professional make-up artist. Mr.
Uchiide akhirnya bergabung dengan tim shu uemura atelier,
dan dibimbing secara langsung oleh Mr. Shu Uemura.
Ia mempelajari secara mendalam mengenai dasar-dasar make-up, serta hal lain di luar
seperti bagaimana caranya mendorong diri untuk berkreasi diluar batas norma-norma yang
ada serta menembus batas kreatifitas tradisi Jepang. Tidak hanya sebagai make-up artist
dan penerus Mr. Shu Uemura, Mr.
Uchiide juga turun tangan secara langsung dalam menangani pengembangan produk dan visual
– dimana ia percaya bahwa kreatifitas seorang seniman datang dari percampuran tren dan budaya.
Karyanya dihargai di seluruh dunia, dan membawanya untuk berkolaborasi dengan designer high fashion, seperti Tsumori dan
Rue Du Mail. Prestasi Mr. Uchiide disambut dengan sangat positif oleh dunia fashion internasional,
sampai akhirnya ia bisa berkolaborasi dengan Karl Lagerfeld
untuk produk shu uemura dan untuk visual
campaign dari Karl Lagerfeld sendiri."
Mr. Uchiide is the International Artistic Director of shu uemura. He joined in 1988 and has a great passion for the world of make-up. He was inspired by Mr. Shu Uemura himself and aspires to become a professional make-up artist. Mr. Uchiide finally joined the team shu uemura atelier, and guided directly by Mr. Shu Uemura. He studied in depth the basics of make-up, and other things beyond make-up such as how to push himself to be creative beyond the limits of existing norms and traditions of Japan through the boundaries of creativity. Not only as a make-up artist and the successor to Mr. Shu Uemura, Mr. Uchiide also intervened directly in handling product development and visual - in which he believes that an artist's creativity comes from mixing and cultural trends. His work was appreciated throughout the world, and took him to collaborate with high fashion designers, such as Tsumori and Rue Du Mail. Mr. Uchiide achievement greeted very positively by the international fashion world, until finally he was able to collaborate with Karl Lagerfeld for the product and for the visual campaign shu uemura of Karl Lagerfeld himself.
Tex Saverio (Top Indonesia Fashion Designer)
Dramatic, theatrical, and spectacular are words often used to describe the aesthetics of the Tex Saverio label. Through his ambition to create a global lifestyle brand, Tex's talent and creative work have not only helped to propel his label to the next level, but have also helped to bring Indonesia into the spotlight of the international fashion realm.
Kolaborasi menarik pun dihadirkan dengan menggandeng Tex Saverio sebagai salah satu juri dan menampilkan koleksi terbarunya untuk dikenakan oleh para model.
Mr. Uchiide menampilkan keahliannya dalam make-up demo dan berbagi filosofi tentang bagaimana brand Shu Uemura menghormati individual beauty, mengusung tinggi nilai seni dibalik sebuah make-up, mengerti sepenuhnya kecantikan wanita Asia, dan mempromosikan local professional make-up artist. Acara dilanjutkan dengan demo make-up oleh kesepuluh finalis yang berasal dariseluruh Indonesia. Mereka memiliki waktu 30 menit untuk menghasilkan make-up yang sesuai dengan tema.
Exciting collaboration were presented by cooperating with Tex Saverio as one of the judges and show his latest collection to be worn by the models.
Mr. Uchiide displays his expertise in make-up demos and share a philosophy about how to respect individual brand Shu Uemura beauty, carrying high artistic value behind a make-up, fully understand the beauty of Asian women, and promoting local professional make-up artist. The event continued with a make-up demo by the ten finalists from across Indonesia. They have 30 minutes to produce make-up that matches the theme.
So, i attended the Grand Final of Shu Uemura Brave Beauty Art Make Up Competition Event in Jakarta, Indonesia with 10 finalist. Here's my report.
The dresscode for this event is black and gold. How is my outfit? hehe..
"Be brave, there is no need for hesitation. Beauty is where you find it." - Kakuyasu Uchiide.
And here is the stage, there were many Shu Uemura product!
That day mc was Melissa Karim. The event started with speech from Ms. Silvia as L'Oreal Luxe General Manager and Ms. Regina Widjaja as Kiehl's and Shu Uemura Indonesia Brand Manager.
“Ada 3 hal yang menjadi brand identity dari Shu Uemura, yang pertama adalah Shu Uemura yang merupakan professional
make up artist brand from Tokyo, yang kedua Shu Uemura juga mengusung
konsep “Tokyo Avant Garde” sebagai inspirasi utama didalam kreasi produk dan juga brand yang mengerti
kecantikan wanita Asia” kata Silvia Yohana, General Manager L’Oréal Luxé Division. “Kami percaya
bahwa Indonesia memiliki banyak make-up artist yang berbakat,
dan di Shu Uemura kami ingin mereka mempunyai wadah untuk mengembangkan
kreatifitas dan keahlian mereka. Karena itulah kami mengadakan make up competition ini untuk memberikan
kesempatan bagi mereka untuk menginterpretasikan kecantikan sesuai dengan visi
mereka.” Regina Widjaja, Brand Manager
Kiehl’s & Shu Uemura Indonesia.
"There are three things that the brand identity of Shu Uemura, first, Shu Uemura is a professional make-up artist brands from Tokyo, second, Shu Uemura also brought the concept of" Tokyo Avant Garde "as a major inspiration in the creation of products and brands that understand Asian female beauty" said Silvia Joanna, General Manager of L'Oréal Luxe Division. "We believe that Indonesia has a lot of talented make-up artist, and in Shu Uemura we want them to have a place to develop their creativity and expertise. That's why we hold this make up competition to provide an opportunity for them to interpret the beauty according to their vision." Regina Widjaja, Brand Manager of Kiehl's and Shu Uemura Indonesia.
Kakuyasu Uchiide
And in this event i can see directly Kakuyasu Uchiide do the makeup to the model with Brave Beauty concept.
I really admired this FEI EXO Sleveless Wool Ballgown with Platinum Gold (Tex Saverio AW14 RTW Collection - Runway Limited Edition). Very very elegant! It was perfectly dressed by this pretty model.
Two Judges with The Model. credit to : ShuuemuraID
After Kakuyasu Uchiide did the makeup, it mean the competition starts! 10 finalist goes to the stage with their model provides by Shu Uemura. All product they use also provides by Shu Uemura except the brushes and eye lashes. By the way, i sat almost in the corner so, many picture was zoomed with my pocket camera, pardon.
The finalists have only 30 minutes to finish the eye makeup and they did the makeup fastly yet prettily.
It just short video of how the competition go on. Exciting, right?
Personally, i like this eye makeup (with the model mishajeter)
Judging time by Kakuyasu Uchiide and Tex Saverio.
Tex Saverio
Tex Saverio
The Winner Announcement
Ibu Regina Widjaja, Mr. Kakuyasu Uchiide,
dan Tex Saverio sebagai juri berembuk untuk menentukan dua orang pemenang, dan akhirnya terpilihlah Mirtha Roseria sebagai pemenang Shu Uemura Brave Beauty Make-Up 2014,
dan Stephanie Juliancy untuk pemenang kategori Shu Uemura Best Make-Up Show 2014.
Regina Widjaja, Mr. Kakuyasu Uchiide, and Tex Saverio as the judges have a discussion to determine two winners, and finally elected as the winner from Shu Uemura Brave Beauty Make-Up 2014 is Mirtha Roseria, and Stephanie Juliancy for category winners Shu Uemura Best Make-Up Show 2014.
Finally after judging time, it's the winner announcement!
And here's the winner, congratulation!
The Winner. credit to : ShuuemuraID
Grand Prize winner goes to Mirtha Roseria and the Best Make Up Show winner goes to Stepanie Juliancy.
“Brave beauty is about being brave in what
you do, for Indonesian, it means, being brave in pursuing your own beauty,” said Uchiide, Shu Uemura International Artistic Director.
After the competition was over, i have a chance to took a (i mean 2 lol) picture with Melissa Karim. She is a nice and lovely person :)
And i met Stella Lee :)
With Kakuyasu Uchiide ^^
Then i have a chance to took a picture with Kakuyasu Uchiide! (okay, actually 3 picture) >.<
He is really kind and humble! And so tall!
With Kakuyasu Uchiide ^^
With Tex Saverio! ^^
Actually i took 2 picture with him he he.. He is so look like anime. So happy to met him in person.