Senin, 26 Oktober 2020

사랑의 물리학 김인육 Physics of Love Kim In Yook 시 낭독 ASMR Korean Poem Reading

Hi guys, hari ini aku mau share ke kalian nih.. Kemarin ada lomba dari King Sejong Institute Center Indonesia (event Hangeul Day 2020) yaitu lomba baca puisi penyair Korea dalam bahasa Korea.. 
Jadi aku ikutan deh hehe.. Aku pakai gambar tulisan (ceritanya lagi nulis ulang isi puisinya).
Apakah kalian bisa tebak aku remake scene untuk K-Drama yang mana? 
Divideo ini aku tulis kembali puisinya dalam Hangeul sambil membaca puisinya dalam bahasa Korea lalu dibagian akhir ada adegan daun maple (maple leaf) seperti di drama hihi..
Baiklah, ini guys judulnya dalam bahasa Korea yaitu 사랑의 물리학 oleh penyair 김인육 atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya Physics of love by Kim In Yook.
Puisi ini pernah dibawakan oleh Gong Yoo di drama Goblin 도깨비. Scene itu termasuk favouriteku karena ya ampunnnnn suaranya Gong Yoo itu ya udah kayak bukan suara manusia lagi saking bagusnya... Sampe kuulang-ulang terus! Apakah kamu setuju guys?

Hi guys, today i want to share, that a while ago i challenge myself to compete in reciting Korean Poem. It is a competition to read Korean Poem in Korean language, it is 2020 Hangeul Day event by King Sejong Institute Center Indonesia. I made a video of hand writing of this poem in Hangeul while reciting the poem. Can you guess the K-Drama name that i remake? In this video i added a maple leaf as in the drama. 
So, guys it is 사랑의 물리학  by 김인육 or Physics of Love by Kim In Yook in English.
The poem was read by Gong Yoo before in Goblin 도깨비 drama. That scene is my favourite one because, omg... like, Gong Yoo voice isn't human voice!!! It's sooooooooo great!! I repeated the scene many times, maybe hundreds times already! It's so goood! Are you agree with me? 

사랑의 물리학 김인육 

질량의 크기는 부피와 비례하지 않는다 
제비꽃같이 조그마한 그 계집애가 
꽃잎같이 하늘거리는 그 계집애가 
지구보다 더 큰 질량으로 나를 끌어당긴다. 
순간, 나는 
뉴턴의 사과처럼 
사정없이 그녀에게로 굴러 떨어졌다 
쿵 소리를 내며, 쿵쿵 소리를 내며 

하늘에서 땅까지 
아찔한 진자운동을 계속하였다


Physics of love Kim In Yook 

Mass is not proportional to volume 
A girl as small as a violet 
A girl who moves like a flower petal 
is pulling me towards her with more force than her mass. 
Just then, 
I am Like Newtons Apple
 I rolled towards her without stopping 
Until I fell on her 
With a thump, with a thump 
My heart Keeps bouncing between the sky and the ground 
It was my first love. 

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2020

Dapat Kiriman Hadiah Dari Kedutaan Besar Korea Selatan Check!

Dapat Kiriman Hadiah Dari Kedutaan Besar Korea Selatan Check! 

Hi guys, jadi aku baru aja dapat kiriman hadiah dari Kedubes (Kedutaan Besar) Korea Selatan. Waktu paketnya datang, aku excited banget karena box nya lumayan gede dan berat, dan aku penasaran apa yah isinya? 

So, mari kita check youtube video dibawah ini. Jangan lupa di like, comment dan subscribe youtube channel ku yah!

So, guys i just got a big box of package from Korean Embassy. When i got this package i am really excited because the box is quite big. Are you curious what is inside the box? Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to my channel! 
Omg, i am so excited to see NCT (NCT Dream Reload Album)!!
Btw, there is album, mask sheet, and Korean snacks inside the box. So, watch my video below! And read my blog for details.

Yang bikin excited waktu buka box itu yaitu pas ngeliat albumnya NCT (NCT Dream album Reload). Yuhuuu!!

Btw, isi box nya ada banyak macam yaitu album, mask sheet nya Innisfree yang Aloe Vera, dan snack Korea. Ada rice snack, seaweed crisps, wafer white hazelnut, kacang almond pedas, permen karamel, bumbu marinade, mie rasa keju, dan sweet jelly mirip 'dodol' terbuat dari chestnut/kastanye dan red beans/kacang merah, seaweed dari brand Mugunghwa, minuman extract Omija, dan Cheese Topokki.

Nah, aku mau review satu-satu nih untuk produk-produk tadi. Untuk detail review ada di blog ku ini yah.

1. Crown White Hazelnut (Vanilla Hazelnut Cream) Review 크라운 하이트 하임 리뷰 Points: 10/10 

Satu box isi 6 pcs. Ini adalah wafer isi krim vanilla hazelnut. Setahuku brand Crown ini produk premium, harganya mahal dan rasanya enak! Wafernya renyah banget, dan didalamnya ada isi white hazelnut cream. Very recommended!

One box contains 6 pcs of small wafer. This is a wafer filled with white hazelnut cream. As i know, brand Crown is premium product, quite expensive but really tasty! The wafer is crispy and there is white hazelnut cream inside the wafer. I recommend you to try this! 

입안 가득 부드러운 달콤함을 퍼뜨리는 화이트하임입니다. 얼려먹으면 더욱 맛있게 먹을 수 있는 화이트하임과 함께 달콤한 시간을 보내보세요.

2. Murgerbon Kacang Almond Pedas Rasa Ayam Hot and Spicy Chicken Almond Review
머거본 견과류 양념 불닭볶음 아몬드 리뷰
Points: 10/10

Udah pada tahu kan kalau kacang almond nya ini biasa dijadikan oleh-oleh kalau baru balik dari Korea? Kacang ini tuh ada banyak rasa, madu, wasabi dll. Nah yang ini yang pedasnya guys, rasanya pedas, asin enak... termasuk kacang almond favourite ku. Btw, produk ini mengandung bahan yang berhubungan dengan babi, jadi buat teman muslim harus hati-hati. 

You guys already knew that this almond is very famous, right? Usually we will give it as souvenir if we comeback from Korea. This almond has many flavour, like honey, wasabi, etc.
I got the spicy one and it is one of my favourite because it really taste good. The almond is covered with chilly pepper and has chicken flavour. But be careful for moslem friends, because it contains pig related ingredients.

원산지: 아몬드(미국산),물엿,설탕,불닭플러스양념(매운맛)[고춧가루(중국산),쇠고기찬다시{정제염(국내산)},파라옥시안식향산에틸(합성보존료),L-글루타민산나트륨(향미증진제)],불닭씨즈닝-엠[탈지대두(외국산),L-글루타민산나트륨(향미증진제),가공소금(미국산),드라이드후레바(미국산/치킨),아스파탐(감미료,페닐알라닌함유)],핫치킨맛시즈닝[치킨엑기스분말엔{생닭(국산),L-글루타민산나트륨(향미증진제)],벌꿀,옥수수유,식물성유지,레시틴,허브추추물 / 밀,대두,토마토,새우,우유,계란,닭고기,쇠고기 함유(알레르기 유발물질).

3. O-Happy Day Sweet Jelly of Chestnuts Review 조은날엔 양갱애 밤 리뷰 
Points: 6/10

Seperti nougat, ada 2 rasa yaitu yang chestnut dan red beans. Waktu aku makan sih mirip dodol gitu, manis-manis rasa kacang kastanye dan kacang merah. Kemasan 50 gram. Packaging didalam pakai kertas, kupikir bakal ada kemasan kecil-kecil lagi didalam ternyata langsung gede gitu yah mirip dodol sih jadinya. Waktu buka bungkusnya, agak lengket gitu. Untuk rasanya kurang recommended.

This is a sweet jelly. When i eat it, it similar to 'Dodol'. Dodol is sweet snacks from Indonesia as well as Malaysia. You can search about Dodol.
This sweet jelly has 2 flavour, the chestnut and red beans. Each 50 gram. It use paper packaging, actually i thought they will separate it into several candies, but it was not. And it felt sticky on my hands and the paper. And i also don't like the taste

당침밤3%(밤 1.62%)
50g 단일제품으로 국군복지단 납품 제품입니다.
‘양갱애’는 현재 상표등록된 자사 브랜드로 25년동안 유통대기업,식품대기업에 양갱을 공급해온 삼성식품의 대표 브랜드입니다.
건강에 좋은 이소말토올리고당이 10% 이상 포함되어 있고,밤고유의 맛을 그대로 느끼실수 있는 양갱입니다.

4. O-Happy Day Sweet Jelly of Red Beans Review 조은날엔 양갱애 팥 리뷰 Points: 6/10

팥앙금36%(팥 12.6%)
55g 단일제품입니다.
‘양갱애’는 현재 상표등록된 자사 브랜드로 25년동안 유통대기업,식품대기업에 양갱을 공급해온 삼성식품의 대표 브랜드입니다.
건강에 좋은 이소말토올리고당이 10% 이상 포함되어 있고,전통적인 양갱의 맛을 가진 제품입니다.

5. Mugunghwa Seasoned Seaweed Review 무궁화유통 김 리뷰 Points: 9/10

Photo credit to Happy Fresh

Snack rumput laut, mengandung minyak jagung, minyak wijen, dsb diproduksi di Korea. Kemasan 2 gram x 10 pcs. Didalam satu kemasan kecil ada beberapa lembar rumput laut. Biasanya dimakan sama nasi atau dijadikan snack tapi aku sukanya langsung makan dijadikan kayak snack gitu. Rumput lautnya renyah, dan agak asin sedikit, dan enaknya sih ga amis ya. Rasanya enak. Yang ini halal ya guys ada tulisan Majelis Ulama Indonesia nya dikemasan. Aku kasih poin 9/10 karena aku pernah coba merk lain yang nilainya 10/10 dan posisinya masih belum tergeser.

This is seaweed, it has corn oil, sesame oil ingredients, etc, made in Korea. 2 gram x 10 pcs. In one packaging, there are several sheets of seaweed. Usually people eat it with rice or eat it as snack, and i prefer to eat it as snack. It is crispy, a bit salty, and not fishy. Taste good! And this is halal product (Indonesia standard). I don't know is it halal or not if it produced and distributed to other country. I give it 9/10 points because i've tried other brand and i give them 10/10 and i still love that brand.

6. MUNKYEONG OMIJA VALLEY OMI Review Points: Unknown
(i'll review it later)
문경오미자밸리 오미 프리미엄 주스 리뷰

Ini adalah minuman yang terbuat dari ekstrak Omija. Sudah tahu Omija? Omija adalah buah dari Korea yang punya 5 rasa, yaitu asin, manis, pahit, asam dan pedas. Fungsi buah ini ada banyak, yaitu meningkatkan imun, jadi bahan kosmetik dll. 

The ‘OMI Premium’ will serve as healthy juice as our main ingredient of Omija [Schizandra], which has been used as an essential medicinal herb for a long time, is good for protecting five organs of our body. Only high quality of Omija extract is used in these juice.
This is a drink made from Omija extract. Do you know Omija? Omija is a fruit came from Korea, it has 5 flavour, salty, sweet, bitter, sour and spicy. It is good as increase immunity, used as cosmetics ingredients, etc.

7. Chung Jhung One Beef Bulgogi Marinade Review 청정원 소 불고기 양념, Beef Galbi Marinade 소 갈비 양념, Hot and Spicy Galbi Marinade 매운 갈비 양념 리뷰
Points: 10/10

Ini adalah saus untuk masak gitu guys. Aku udah coba ketiga rasa ini. Semuanya enak. Favouritku yang beef bulgogi dan beef galbi marinade. Dan aku suka campurin yang hot and spicy galbi marinade dengan beef bulgogi marinade atau beef galbi marinade, jadi dia rasanya jadi asin dan pedas gitu. Mengandung alkohol (1.72%) ya guys, jadi buat teman muslim hati-hati ya! 

Nah gimana sih cara masak pakai saus ini? Gampang banget! Tinggal rendam aja daging sapi pakai saus ini beberapa menit udah cukup. Nanti tumis aja bawang merah, bawang putih pakai mentega atau sesuai selera lah ya soalnya aku anti ribet kalau masak. Habis itu masukkan daging sapinya bareng ama saus nya. Tumis-tumis beberapa menit, udah jadi deh. Super cepat dan simple banget! Nah foto dibawah ini aku ambil dari 콩쥬언니, kira-kira begitu guys bentuknya. Kalau mau ditambah daun bawang, wortel, dan lain-lain boleh aja.

So, this is a seasoning for beef. I already tried Beef Bulgogi Marinade, Beef Galbi Marinade, and Hot and Spicy Galbi Marinade. I like them all. It taste good. I always mix the spicy galbi marinade with bulgogi or galbi marinade and make it tastier! Btw, be careful for moslem friends, because it contains 1.72% alcohol.

And how to use this seasoning? It's easy! Just soak the beef with this seasoning for several minutes. Then stir fry red onion/shallot, and garlic with butter then add that marinade beef. Stir fry just a few minutes and you are done! Really simple and fast! And the photos below is from 콩쥬언니, maybe this is how it looks like. You can do as you wish with your own taste and skill. You can add leek, or carrot etc. I am not a chef btw.

Photo credit to 콩쥬언니

8. CJ ONE Bibigo 비비고 튀기지 않고 오븐에 구운 김스낵 Seaweed Crisps 바베큐 맛 Review 리뷰 Points: 6/10

Ini snack beras dengan rumput laut. Pembuatannya dengan di oven baked gitu. Untuk rasanya ada macam-macam seperti original, hot spicy, dan barbeque. Yang ku dapat yang rasa barbeque. Menurutku rasanya kayak snack beras dikasih banyak micin. Aku personal lebih suka yang seaweed lembaran.

This is a seaweed snack, oven baked with bbq flavour. It has original, hot spicy and barbeque flavour. And i got the bbq flavour. 
So, i think it is just a rice snack covered with many msg. That's, i will prefer the other seaweed.

9. Crown Caramel Corn and Peanut Candy Review 크라운 땅콩 카라멜 캔디 리뷰 
Points: 9/10

・온가족이 즐겨먹는 진하고 고소한 땅콩맛 츄잉캔디
・먹기 편하게 포장이 바뀌었어요~ 개봉후 바로드시거나 밀폐 보관 해주세요!

Jadi ini adalah permen karamel dan kacang. Tapi hati-hati ya buat teman muslim, karena bahannya berhubungan atau bersinggungan dengan bahan bersumber babi. Tekstur permennya seperti nougat gitu ga keras bisa digigit gitu, ga terlalu manis walaupun itu permen karamel. Wangi kacang tanah, bungkusnya warna-warni.

This is caramel peanut candy. Just let you know that it contains pig related ingredients. It looks like a nougat, easy too chew, not to sweet. Comes with colourful candy wrapper.

10. Ottogi Mie Instan Rasa Keju Cheese Bokki Bowl Review 오뚜기 콕콕! 콕 치즈 볶이 리뷰 Points: 5/10

Ini adalah mie instan (mie goreng) dengan bubuk keju, ga ada sayur atau apa gitu. Cara masaknya, buka sebagian tutup lalu tuang air panas, diamkan sekitar 4 menitan. Lalu buka bagian tutup yang ada saringannya atau filternya itu (lihat di video), buang air nya. Setelah semua air sudah dibuang, masukkan bumbu keju tadi lalu aduk rata. Menurutku mie nya enak kenyal, tapi awalnya sih enak tapi setelah dimakan sampai setengah, rasanya agak eneg gitu mie goreng rasa keju. 
Btw hati-hati karena pada proses pembuatan produk ini bersinggungan dan atau menggunakan fasilitas bersama dengan bahan bersumber babi. 

This is an instant noodle with cheese seasoning, without vegetable or others. How to cook: tear up the seal then pour hot water, close the lid. Wait for around 4 minutes, throw the water using the noodle filter (see video), then after that you can just add the cheese seasoning. Mix it well. Actually, at first i like the noodle because it is chewy and smell good. But after a while, i don't like it. Btw, be careful that this product contain pig related ingredients.

11. Nongshim Cho Chung U-Gua Rice Snack Review 농심 조청 유과 리뷰 
Points: 8/10

달콤한 현미 조청과 고소한 참깨가 어우러져 더욱 맛있는 쌀 과자, 농심의 조청 유과입니다. 조청 유과는 달콤하면서 달달한 맛으로 한 번 먹으면 자꾸 손이 가는 중독성 강한 스낵이에요. 특히 HACCP 인증받은 위생적인 시설에서 제조하여 안심하고 드실 수 있답니다. 현미 조청으로 더욱 맛있어진 조청 유과의 달콤함을 느껴보세요.

Ini adalah snack beras dengan lumuran karamel dan taburan wijen. Snack beras nya agak tebal gitu potongannya dan garing, ga keras. Rasanya ok aja.

This is rice cracker wrapped in caramel and sesame. It's quite thick but not hard. Taste ok.

12. Dongwon Cheese Topokki Review 동원 치즈 떡볶이 리뷰 Points: unknown 
(i'll review next time)

고소한 파마산 치즈와 쌀떡이 쏙쏙!

고소한 파마산 치즈로 맛을 내어 더욱 풍부한 치즈 떡볶이 맵지 않아 온가족이 함께 즐기실 수 있습니다.

Ini adalah topokki atau kue beras rasa keju, terdiri dari 300 gram tok 떡, lalu 2 pack saus keju nya. Jadi ini untuk 2 porsi ya guys. Kalau mau bagi jadi 2 porsi, kamu tinggal bagi aja tok nya jadi 150 gram lalu saus nya 1 pack.
Btw ini ada kandungan babi nya jadi hati-hati ya.

This is topokki with cheese seasoning. It contains 1 pack of 300 gram 떡 and 2 pack of cheese seasoning. So, you can divide the tok 떡 into 150 gram for 1 pack of sauce to make 1 serving.
Just be careful that this product contains pig related ingredients.

Bonus: I got NCT Dream Reload Album! But definitely this is 100% original because it was sent by Korean Embassy! I am so happy!

Once again, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to my youtube channel!
And you can also comment in this blog guys! I am waiting for your opinion. Do you have tried this k-food before? Do you have same opinion, or maybe we have different taste? Let me know!

So, see you next time!

#koreanfood #kfood #koreanembassy #kedubeskorea #kedubeskorsel #kedutaanbesarkorea #kedutaanbesarkoreaselatan #nctdreamreloadalbum #nctdreamalbum #nctalbum #reloadalbum #nctdream #CrownWhiteHazelnutReview #크라운하이트하임리뷰 #크라운 #Murgerbon #MurgerbonHotandSpicyChickenAlmondReview #머거본 #머거본견과류양념불닭볶음아몬드리뷰 #OHappyDaySweetJellyofChestnutsReview #조은날엔 #양갱애 #양갱 #조은날엔양갱애밤리뷰 #OHappyDaySweetJellyofRedBeansReview #조은날엔양갱애팥리뷰 #MugunghwaSeasonedSeaweedReview #무궁화유통 #무궁화 #무궁화유통김리뷰 #MUNKYEONGOMIJAVALLEYOMIReview #문경오미자밸리오미프리미엄주스리뷰 #Omija #오미자#ChungJhungOneBeefBulgogiMarinadeReview #ChungJhungOne #청정원 #청정원소불고기양념리뷰 #소불고기양념리뷰 #소갈비양념리뷰 #청정원소갈비양념리뷰 #청정원매운갈비양념리뷰 #CJONEBibigo #비비고김스낵 #bibigoSeaweed Crisps #CrownCaramelCornandPeanutCandyReview #크라운땅콩카라멜캔디리뷰 #AnnateshopKFood #OttogiCheeseBokkiBowlReview #오뚜기치즈볶이리뷰 #NongshimChoChungUGuaRiceSnackReview #농심조청유과리뷰 #DongwonCheeseTopokkiReview #동원치즈떡볶이리뷰

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2020

Laneige Radian C Cream Review 라네즈 래디언씨 크림

안녕하세요 여러분~

Kali ini mau share tentang produk barunya Laneige (tahun 2020), yaitu Laneige Radian C Cream. Produk ini lagi hits nih. Fungsinya adalah untuk mengurangi spot or flek hitam di wajah, yang kelihatan maupun yang belum kelihatan, sekaligus dapat mencerahkan wajah. Btw, cream radian c ini akan lebih bagus dan efektif kalau digabung sama Laneige Clear C Advanced Effector EX. Untuk ukurannya ada 3, yaitu 10ml, 30ml dan 50ml. 

Today i want to share about Laneige new product (2020), Laneige Radian-C Cream. This is the ideal luminous skin pursued by Laneige. This cream helps to eliminate visible and non visible ultra fine spots. It has whitening ingredient that integrates innovative technologies to brighten skin. 
It comes with 3 sizes: 10ml, 30ml, and 50ml. 

Kalau yang 50ml seperti di review-an kali ini, dilengkapi juga dengan spatula (di spatula nya ada tulisan Laneige). 

For the 50ml (in this video), it comes with a spatula with 'Laneige' engraved on the spatula.