Apa itu SPNA Miracle Dual Perfect Cleanser?
Pembersih wajah yang dikombinasikan dari cleansing oil dan cleansing foam dalam satu kemasan, dapat membersihkan wajah (dari makeup tebal sekalipun) dengan cepat!
Ukuran 50ml+50ml
- Uncontaminated Sea Water
Mengandung air laut yang tidak tercemar. Rata-rata suhu air 1 atau dibawah 1 derajat celsius sehingga terbebas dari bakteri patogen dan bahan-bahan berbahaya lainnya.
- Dual Container
Kemasan lebih simple, cleansing oil dan cleansing foam dalam satu kemasan!
- Vitamin C
Cleansing oilnya kaya akan vitamin C, dapat membersihkan wajah dengan lembut, cocok digunakan semua jenis kulit, termasuk kulit sensitif.
- Cantella Asiatica Extract
Memiliki komponen yang berfungsi untuk menyembuhkan luka kecil seperti strechmark. Dapat digunakan untuk anti inflamasi seperti eczema, gigitan serangga dan gatal-gatal.
- Fresh Orange Scent!
Wangi jeruk yang segar, membuat kulit dan pikiran menjadi segar!
Cara Pakai:
Step 1: Cleansing Oil Tekan dan keluarkan secukupnya lalu oleskan dikulit dengan lembut. Bersihkan wajah dengan gerakan seperti memijat.
Step 2: Cleansing Foam Tekan dan keluarkan secukupnya, berikan sedikit air lalu pijat lembut wajah dan bilas dengan air hangat hingga bersih.
Tekstur produk ini ringan banget dan punya wangi jeruk yang soft sehingga membuat perasaan menjadi nyaman. Cleansing oilnya ngga membuat kulit jadi terasa berminyak dan lengket seperti c.oil pada umumnya, dan ga terasa panas dikulit! Cleansing foamnya punya tekstur yang lembut dan ringan, membuat kulit jadi bersih, lembab dan lembut, dan cocok untuk kulitku yang kering dan sensitif.
Di review kali ini, aku coba pakai cleansing oilnya untuk membersihkan makeup yang biasa kupakai seperti cushion, lipgloss, liquid lipstick, lipstick, dan liptint serta eyeliner yang biasanya perlu usaha ekstra untuk dihapus. Pertama, aku coba pakai cleansing oilnya dan aku agak kaget ternyata cushion, lipgloss, dan lipstick nya cuma digosok lembut hanya dalam beberapa detik aja sudah hilang! Nah untuk liptint dan eyeliner memang lebih lama baru hilang. Masih ada sedikit sisa liptint dan eyeliner. Kemudian aku pakai cleansing foamnya. Dan voilà aku kaget ternyata liptint dan eyelinernya bisa hilang tanpa sisa! Aku suka banget sama cleansing foamnya karena benar-benar membersihkan kulit dari sisa-sisa makeup! Aku juga suka kemasan produk ini karena terdapat 2 produk pembersih wajah sekaligus sehingga hemat tempat dan lebih simple kalau mau dibawa-bawa dan aku suka karena ada pumpnya, ga tumpah waktu kubawa traveling!
Informasi Tambahan:
MarineCos Co.,Ltd. di Provinsi Gyeongsangbukdo ini merupakan perusahaan kosmetik bio-spesialisasi kelautan yang berupaya memberikan nutrisi tak terbatas dari air laut dalam. Produk-produk yang diproduksi oleh MarineCos adalah produk dengan bahan dasar nutrisi yang diekstrak dari berbagai sumber daya laut seperti molekul air laut dalam. Molekul dari air laut dalam sangat mirip dengan cairan tubuh, sehingga dapat menyerap dengan mudah ke dalam kulit. Untuk keterangan lebih jelas mengenai produk dapat mengunjungi website www.marinecos.shop/en/ atau kunjungi instagram @marinecos.shop. Produk ini sudah tersedia di www.istyle.id.
What is SPNA Miracle Dual Perfect Cleanser?
A facial cleanser that combines cleansing oil and cleansing foam in one package, can clean your face (even from thick makeup) quickly!
Size 50ml+50ml
- Uncontaminated Sea Water
Contains unpolluted seawater. The average water temperature is 1 or below 1 degree celsius so that it is free from pathogenic bacteria and other harmful materials.
- Dual Container
The packaging is so simple, cleansing oil and cleansing foam in one package!
- Vitamin C
The cleansing oil is rich in vitamin C, can gently clean the face, suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
- Cantella Asiatica Extract
Has a component that functions to heal small wounds such as stretch marks. Can be used for anti-inflammatory such as eczema, insect bites and itching.
- Fresh Orange Scent!
Fresh citrus scent, makes the skin and mind fresh!
How to use:
Step 1: Cleansing Oil. Press and release an appropriate amount then gently apply to the skin. Clean the face with movements such as massaging.
Step 2: Cleansing Foam. Press and release an appropriate amount, give a little water then gently massage the face and rinse with warm water until clean.
The texture of this product is very light and has a soft citrus scent that makes you feel comfortable. The cleansing oil doesn't make the skin feel greasy and sticky like cleansing oil in general, and it doesn't feel hot on the skin! The cleansing foam has a soft and light texture, makes the skin clean, moist and soft, and even suitable for my dry and sensitive skin.
In this review, I tried to use the cleansing oil to clean the makeup that I usually use, such as cushion, lip gloss, liquid lipstick, lipstick, lip tint and eyeliner, which usually require extra effort to remove. First, I tried using the cleansing oil and I was a bit surprised that the cushion, lip gloss, and lipstick were just rubbed gently in just a few seconds and they were gone! Now for liptint and eyeliner it takes longer to disappear. There's still a little bit of lipstint and eyeliner left. Then I use the cleansing foam. And voilà I was surprised that the liptint and eyeliner disappeared without a trace! I really like the cleansing foam because it really cleans the skin from makeup residue! I also like the packaging of this product because there are 2 facial cleansing products at once so it saves space and is easier to carry around and I like that it has a pump, so it doesn't spill when I bought it when traveling!
Additional information:
MarineCos Co.,Ltd. in Gyeongsangbukdo Province it is a marine bio-specialty cosmetic company that strives to provide unlimited nutrition from deep sea water. The products produced by MarineCos are products with basic nutritional ingredients extracted from various marine resources such as deep sea water molecules. The molecules of deep sea water are very similar to body fluids, so they absorb easily into the skin. For more detailed information about the product, please visit the website www.marinecos.shop/en/ or visit Instagram @marinecos.shop. This product is available at www.istyle.id.
스피나 미라클 듀얼 퍼펙트 클렌저란?
클렌징 오일과 클렌징 폼을 한 패키지에 담은 페이셜 클렌저로 진한 메이크업도 빠르게 세안 가능!
사이즈 50ml+50ml
- 오염되지 않은 바닷물
오염되지 않은 바닷물을 포함합니다. 평균 수온이 연중 1℃ 이하의 저온상태로 유지되므로 병원균 및 유해물질이 존재하지 않아 지구상에서 가장 깨끗한 물로 클렌징을!
- 이중 컨테이너
포장은 너무 간단해서 클렌징 오일과 클렌징 폼이 한 패키지에!
- 비타민 C
클렌징 오일은 비타민 C가 풍부하고 얼굴을 부드럽게 닦아낼 수 있으며 민감한 피부를 포함한 모든 피부 유형에 적합합니다.
- 칸텔라아시아티카추출물
튼살과 같은 작은 상처를 치유하는 기능을 하는 성분이 있습니다. 습진, 벌레 물림 및 가려움증과 같은 항염증제에 사용할 수 있습니다.
- 상큼한 오렌지 향!
상큼한 시트러스 향이 피부와 마음을 상쾌하게!
사용하는 방법:
1단계: 클렌징 오일. 적당량을 눌렀다 떼어 피부에 부드럽게 펴 발라줍니다. 마사지 등의 움직임으로 얼굴을 깨끗이 합니다.
2단계: 클렌징 폼. 적당량을 눌렀다 떼고 물을 약간 준 후 얼굴을 부드럽게 마사지한 후 미온수로 깨끗해질 때까지 헹구어 냅니다.
이 제품의 텍스처는 매우 가볍고 부드러운 시트러스 향이 기분을 편안하게 해줍니다. 클렌징 오일은 일반 클렌징 오일처럼 번들거림과 끈적임이 느껴지지 않고, 뜨거운 느낌도 없어요! 클렌징 폼은 부드럽고 가벼운 사용감으로 피부를 깨끗하고 촉촉하게 가꾸어주며 건조하고 민감한 제 피부에도 적합합니다.
이번 리뷰에서는 평소 사용하던 메이크업(쿠션, 립글로스, 리퀴드 립스틱, 립스틱, 립틴트, 아이라이너 등)을 이 클렌징 오일로 닦아봤어요. 먼저 클렌징 오일을 사용해 보았는데 쿠션, 립글로스, 립스틱이 단 몇 초 만에 부드럽게 문지르면 없어져서 조금 놀랐어요! 이제 립틴트와 아이라이너는 사라지는 데 시간이 더 오래 걸립니다. 아직 립틴트와 아이라이너가 조금 남아있어요. 그런 다음 클렌징 폼을 사용합니다. 그리고 짜잔~ 립틴트랑 아이라이너가 흔적도 없이 사라져서 놀랐어요! 클렌징폼이 메이크업 잔여물을 말끔하게 지워줘서 너무 좋아요! 세안제품이 한번에 2개 들어있어서 공간도 절약하고 휴대하기도 편하고, 펌핑형이라 여행갈때 들고다녀도 흘러내리지않아서 좋아요!
추가 정보:
(주)마린코스 경상북도에 위치한 해양심층수로부터 무한한 영양공급을 위해 노력하는 해양바이오 전문 화장품 기업입니다. 마린코스가 생산하는 제품은 해양심층수 분자 등 다양한 해양자원에서 추출한 기본적인 영양성분을 함유한 제품입니다. 해양심층수의 분자는 체액과 매우 유사하여 피부에 쉽게 흡수됩니다. 제품에 대한 자세한 내용은 웹사이트(www.marinecos.shop/en/)를 방문하거나 인스타그램 @marinecos.shop을 방문하세요. 이 제품은 www.istyle.id에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
Music: As Leaves Fall
Musician: @iksonofficial
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