Ada produk baru nih dari Etude House yaitu CC Cream (Correct and Care). Apa sih cc cream? Beda nya apa dengan bb cream? Apa keunggulan cc cream dari bb cream? Bagusan mana bb cream dengan cc cream? Itu kan ada 2 tipe, silky dan glow, bedanya apa? Begitulah yang sering ditanya customerku. Oke, sekarang aku baru sempat buat reviewnya buat yang penasaran dan belum tau apa sih cc cream itu?
There are a new product from Etude House, CC Cream (Correct & Care). What is cc cream? What's the different from bb cream and cc cream? What's the cc cream good than bb cream? What's good, bb cream or cc cream? There are 2 type, silky and glow so what's the diferent? That's all what my customers ask me. Okay, now i have a free time to write a review of etude house cc cream for who doesn't know and really curious about it.