Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Pact SPF 45 / PA+++ Review

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Series

Do u guys already know about seol line from Whoo? From what i know, here is the seol series:

- Brightening Cleansing Foam

--> ini adalah sabun cuci muka nya dan dipakai pertama kali. Baca review nya disini
--> it's a cleansing foam. Read my review here.

- Whitening Skin Balancer

--> teksturnya cair dan dipakai setelah selesai cuci muka. Baca reviewnya disini.
--> the texture is liquid, used it after cleansing foam. Read my review here.

- Whitening Essence

--> digunakan setelah skin balancer.
--> it used after the skin balancer.

- Brightening Peel Off Pack

--> ini sama dengan masker peel off, dioleskan keseluruh wajah lalu biarkan kering. Setelah kering, ditarik dari bawah ke atas. Biasanya digunakan setelah essence, tapi aku selalu pakainya setelah cuci muka, kan sayang skin balancer dan essence nya yang terbuang lol. 

--> it's same as peel off mask. Apply it to entire face and leave it dry. After it completely dried, peel it  off from bottom to above. Usually, it used after balancer+essence. But i don't like to waste the balancer and essence, so i use it right after i cleanse my face using the brightening foam.

- Jinaek Whitening Program Kit

--> program pemutih dalam 4 minggu, terdiri dari 4 botol jinaek program kit dan 1 brightening gel ukuran 45ml. 

--> it's 4 intensive whitening program kit. Include 4 bottle of jinaek program kit and 1 brightening gel 45ml.

- Whitening Intensive

--> whitening intensive ini bagus banget untuk memperbaiki tekstur kulit, mengurangi flek hitam dan bekas jerawat, bahkan bekas luka (pengalamanku sih). Dan ini merupakan best seller dari seri whiteningnya whoo. Tapi harganya mahal, sekitar 1,5jt untuk ukuran fullsize 20ml. Whitening intensive biasanya hanya digunakan didaerah yang berflek/bernoda saja, ga keseluruh muka ya.
Baca review nya disini.

--> whitening intensive is really really good to improve skin texture, reduce dark spot and acne scars, and even scars (from my experience). And it's the best seller from the seol line. And of course, it's expensive.. As it has the quality, it has the price. About $128 (July 19th 2014 exchange rate). The fullsize only 20ml. Expensive, right? The whitening intensive usually used in dark spot or acne scars, not to entire face. Read my review here.

- Whitening Lotion

--> lotion atau biasa disebut emulsion digunakan setelah menggunakan whitening intensive.
--> lotion can be used after whitening intensive.

- Whitening and Moisture Cream

--> ini adalah cream wajah yang melembabkan sekaligus memutihkan wajah, digunakan setelah menggunakan lotion. Baca review nya disini.

--> it's the whitening and moisture cream which is good to whiten skin and moist. Use it after lotion. Read my review here.

- Brightening Gel

--> brightening gel ini sama dengan peeling. Gunakan setelah cuci muka, muka dilap kering lalu gosokkan brightening gel ke seluruh muka lalu bilas dengan air hangat. Baca reviewnya disini.

--> it's same as peeling. After cleansing, tap dry the skin and then use this brightening gel to entire face, rub it until some sebum and dirts out. Then wash with warm water. Read my review here.

 The History of Whoo Brightening Sun BB Cream SPF 45/PA++

--> bb cream, dipakai setelah cream dan sebelum whitening pact. Baca reviewnya disini.
--> bb cream, used after cream and before whitening pact. Review my review here.

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Pact SPF 45 / PA+++ 

--> bedak padat, terdiri dari 2 warna yaitu No. 21 Light Beige dan No.23 Natural Beige. Baca review nya disini.
it's whitening powder pact, available in 2 shades: No.21 Light Beige and No.23 Natural Beige. Read my review here.

Dari post sebelumnya, aku menulis review tentang whoo seol whitening bb cream dan ga klop rasanya kalau belum nulis review tentang pact nya, hehe.. so, here it is.
(From the post before, i've already wrote about whoo seol whitening bb cream  and i must write the pact for sure right? so here it is.)
credit to: ilikewhoo

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Sun BB Cream SPF 45 PA++ Review

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Series

Do u guys already know about seol line from Whoo? From what i know, here is the seol series:

- Brightening Cleansing Foam

--> ini adalah sabun cuci muka nya dan dipakai pertama kali. Baca review nya disini
--> it's a cleansing foam. Read my review here.

- Whitening Skin Balancer

--> teksturnya cair dan dipakai setelah selesai cuci muka. Baca reviewnya disini.
--> the texture is liquid, used it after cleansing foam. Read my review here.

- Whitening Essence

--> digunakan setelah skin balancer.
--> it used after the skin balancer.

- Brightening Peel Off Pack

--> ini sama dengan masker peel off, dioleskan keseluruh wajah lalu biarkan kering. Setelah kering, ditarik dari bawah ke atas. Biasanya digunakan setelah essence, tapi aku selalu pakainya setelah cuci muka, kan sayang skin balancer dan essence nya yang terbuang lol. 

--> it's same as peel off mask. Apply it to entire face and leave it dry. After it completely dried, peel it  off from bottom to above. Usually, it used after balancer+essence. But i don't like to waste the balancer and essence, so i use it right after i cleanse my face using the brightening foam.

- Jinaek Whitening Program Kit

--> program pemutih dalam 4 minggu, terdiri dari 4 botol jinaek program kit dan 1 brightening gel ukuran 45ml. 

--> it's 4 intensive whitening program kit. Include 4 bottle of jinaek program kit and 1 brightening gel 45ml.

- Whitening Intensive

--> whitening intensive ini bagus banget untuk memperbaiki tekstur kulit, mengurangi flek hitam dan bekas jerawat, bahkan bekas luka (pengalamanku sih). Dan ini merupakan best seller dari seri whiteningnya whoo. Tapi harganya mahal, sekitar 1,5jt untuk ukuran fullsize 20ml. Whitening intensive biasanya hanya digunakan didaerah yang berflek/bernoda saja, ga keseluruh muka ya.
Baca review nya disini.

--> whitening intensive is really really good to improve skin texture, reduce dark spot and acne scars, and even scars (from my experience). And it's the best seller from the seol line. And of course, it's expensive.. As it has the quality, it has the price. About $128 (July 19th 2014 exchange rate). The fullsize only 20ml. Expensive, right? The whitening intensive usually used in dark spot or acne scars, not to entire face. Read my review here.

- Whitening Lotion

--> lotion atau biasa disebut emulsion digunakan setelah menggunakan whitening intensive.
--> lotion can be used after whitening intensive.

- Whitening and Moisture Cream

--> ini adalah cream wajah yang melembabkan sekaligus memutihkan wajah, digunakan setelah menggunakan lotion. Baca review nya disini.

--> it's the whitening and moisture cream which is good to whiten skin and moist. Use it after lotion. Read my review here.

- Brightening Gel

--> brightening gel ini sama dengan peeling. Gunakan setelah cuci muka, muka dilap kering lalu gosokkan brightening gel ke seluruh muka lalu bilas dengan air hangat. Baca reviewnya disini.

--> it's same as peeling. After cleansing, tap dry the skin and then use this brightening gel to entire face, rub it until some sebum and dirts out. Then wash with warm water. Read my review here.

 The History of Whoo Brightening Sun BB Cream SPF 45/PA++

--> bb cream, dipakai setelah cream dan sebelum whitening pact. Baca reviewnya disini.
--> bb cream, used after cream and before whitening pact. Review my review here.

The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Pact SPF 45 / PA+++ 

--> bedak padat, terdiri dari 2 warna yaitu No. 21 Light Beige dan No.23 Natural Beige. Baca review nya disini.
it's whitening powder pact, available in 2 shades: No.21 Light Beige and No.23 Natural Beige. Read my review here.

Taraa....pasti banyak yang menanti-nanti review yang satu ini yah, The History of Whoo Whitening Sun BB SPF 45 ;p
Sebenarnya sudah lama aku membeli dan mencoba bb cream ini, tapi baru sempat nulis reviewnya sekarang. Well, sejak aku pakai The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Gift Set, aku sudah suka banget sama Whoo line Seol whitening dan merasa cocok, klop, dan ga mau berpindah ke produk lain. So aku pikir setelah mencoba cream perawatannya, aku juga harus mencoba Seol whitening bb cream, pact dan lain-lain. ps: aku sudah membeli dan mencoba seol whitening pact juga lho, tapi ga sempat-sempat mau nulis review nya >.<
So, mari kita lihat bentuk bb cream ini.
(Tara.... i think many people waiting for this review, The History of Whoo Whitening Sun BB SPF 45 ;p Actually, i already bought and tried this bb cream, but i just have a free time now. Well, since i using The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Gift Set, i already like this seol line and i fell it suitable for me and did'nt want to use another brand. So, i think after using their skincare product, i need to try whoo seol whitening bb cream, pact etc. ps: i already bought the pact but have no time to write the review >.< So, let's see the bb cream.)
The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Sun BB Cream

Bentuk bb cream ini unik dan lucu dibandingkan dengan bb cream merk lain, terbuat dari botol plastik yang ringan. Isinya 40ml tapi bisa dipakai untuk waktu yang lama, karena cuma perlu sedikit saja sudah cukup untuk seluruh wajah. 
(This bb cream has a unique and cute design rather than another brand, made by light plastic. The content is just 40ml but can use for a ling time, bcos you just need a little amount to apply for your entire face.)
The History of Whoo Seol Whitening Sun BB Cream - Detail

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

Skinfood Egg White Pore Mask

Hari ini aku mau nulis review tentang masker.. Yah... aku memang pecinta masker, seminggu 2x maskeran atau minimal 1x seminggu kalau lagi malas hehe...
Maskeran itu penting lho, supaya wajah tetap bersih dari sel-sel kulit mati, tetap putih, halus, dan lain-lain. 
Kegunaan masker itu berbeda-beda, contohnya masker yang sedang ku review ini. Namanya Egg White Pore Mask dari merk Skinfood. Dari namanya saja bisa kita ketahui kalau masker ini terbuat dari putih telur dan fungsinya untuk mengecilkan dan membersihkan pori-pori.
So, mari kita lihat penampakannya ;p
Today i'll write a review about mask..yeah i really love mask and i'll using mask twice every week or if i'm lazy i'll just use it once a week. 
Using mask is important to make our skin clean, from dead skin cell, white, smooth etc. Mask has different function for example this mask from Skinfood, Egg White Pore Mask. From it name, we know that this is made from egg white and has function to clean the pores and make it smaller. 
So, let's see the mask.

Minggu, 28 April 2013

Etude House CC (Correct & Care) Cream Review

Ada produk baru nih dari Etude House yaitu CC Cream (Correct and Care). Apa sih cc cream? Beda nya apa dengan bb cream? Apa keunggulan cc cream dari bb cream? Bagusan mana bb cream dengan cc cream? Itu kan ada 2 tipe, silky dan glow, bedanya apa? Begitulah yang sering ditanya customerku. Oke, sekarang aku baru sempat buat reviewnya buat yang penasaran dan belum tau apa sih cc cream itu? 

There are a new product from Etude House, CC Cream (Correct & Care). What is cc cream? What's the different from bb cream and cc cream? What's the cc cream good than bb cream? What's good, bb cream or cc cream? There are 2 type, silky and glow so what's the diferent? That's all what my customers ask me. Okay, now i have a free time to write a review of etude house cc cream for who doesn't know and really curious about it.

Kamis, 25 April 2013

History of Whoo Seol Gongjinhyang Whitening Gift Set 5 Pcs Review

The History of 후/ 后

Hi... Ini cuma review ulang dari History of Whoo Seol Whitening Gift Set 5 pcs. Sebelumnya aku tulis disini. Aku tulis ulang dengan kamera digital baru, biar gambarnya lebih bagus hehe.. dan juga karena masih banyak informasi lain yang sering ditanyakan oleh customer2ku, seperti:
Hi.. i just want to once again review about History of Whoo Seol Whitening Gift Set 5 pcs. I wrote that here. I rewrite with better photos with my new digital camera lol and because many customer ask me many thing so i want to answer all of their question in this post. The question are about:

- apakah ini bahannya aman? Jawabannya: iya! Whoo ini terbuat dari bahan alami dan terbuat dari tanaman obat premium Korea yang bahkan digunakan oleh Ratu pada zaman Korea terdahulu. Sang ratu memiliki kulit halus, putih, dan awet muda walaupun sudah tua. 
- is this made by safe ingredient? Answer: yes! whoo made by natural ingredient like premium korea herbal and medicine whis used by Korea Queen from a long time ago. The queen has really beautiful skin, white, glowing, and look so young even she was old.