Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Missha D-Tox Peeling Gel Review

Well, kalau boleh dibilang aku suka banget lho maskeran. Setiap minggu minimal 1x rasanya harus maskeran, biar muka ga kusam dan muka bersih dari kotoran dan sel-sel kulit mati yang menempel diwajah. Produk masker yang kupakai so pasti banyak banget, mulai dari masker biasa, peeling, sampai bubble peeling juga ada. Setiap minggu bisa berbeda-beda masker yang kupakai, kalau boleh dibilang, tergantung lagi suka apa ya itulah yang akan dipakai :D
Dan kali ini masker dari Missha seri Super Aqua, D-Tox Peeling Gel. Yup, ini adalah bentuk masker peeling, yang efektif untuk membersihkan sel-sel kulit mati diwajah. Bahannya ringan dan lembab sesuai dengan namanya super aqua.
Well, i really like to using mask. Each week it's a must to using mask, so my skin wouldn't dull and my face clean from dead skin cells and dirt. I use many mask, from mask, peeling, and also bubble peeling. Each week, i use different mask, if i could tell, i use mask whatever i like. And this time i want to review Missha mask from Super Aqua Line, D-Tox Peeling Gel. Yes, it's a peeling mask, really effective to clean dead skin cells. The ingredients is mild and so moist like it name.
Missha D-Tox Peeling Gel

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Holika Holika Dessert Time Lip Balm Review

Sebenarnya untuk review Holika Holika Dessert Time Lip Balm sudah pernah kutulis reviewnya disini. Tapi berhubung waktu itu aku cuma pakai kamera seadanya (dari blackberry lol) jadi warna dan kualitas gambarnya ga bagus dan membuat gambarnya ga menarik.. so, kuputusin untuk memoto ulang lip balm lucu ini. Selain itu, dipost sebelumnya aku hanya mereview warna choco cupcake dan red cupcake aja, untuk warna pink cupcake nya belum kutulis karena wana pink cupcake baru-baru ini kucoba. Setelah mencoba choco cupcake dan red cupcake, dan hasilnya aku suka banget, kuputusin nyobain yang pink cupcake juga. Dan ternyata aku suka banget sama pink cupcake nya, warnanya bagus banget, pink muda nya suka deh.
Yuk, kita lihat dulu foto terbarunya ^^
Actually i already write about  Holika Holika Dessert Time Lip Balm review here. But bcos i just used my blackberry camera, the colour and quality is so bad, and that's why i decided to rewrite the review now. Beside, from the past review, i just write the red and choco cupcake. I want to write the pink cupcake review too today. Bcos i really like the red and choco cupcake, i want to try the pink cupcake too. And i really like it! Really good colour, soft pink.. like it... Let's see my new photo here ^^
Holika Holika Dessert Time Lip Balm #Red Cupcake

Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails Review

Lagi senang nulis review tentang kutek nih..... Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails ini adalah produk kutek yang baru-baru ini diluncurin berbarengan dengan seri sweet recipe lainnya. Terdiri dari 8 warna matte yang ga ada glitternya. Jadi buat yang mau nyari kutek tanpa glitter dan warnanya cerah, boleh cobain kutek-kutek ini. Bentuknya lucu seperti ice cream, sama seperti namanya ice cream nails. Gambar diatas diambil dengan searching di google.
I like to write about nail polish now, so this time i'll write about Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails which is new product and has launched together with other sweet recipe line. Have 8 different colour and it's matte doesn't have any glitter. So, if u want to have matte, bright and nail polish without glitter, u can try them. Same as their name, it looks like ice cream. The pic above i get from google.
Etude House Sweet Recipe Ice Cream Nails
Dari kiri ke kanan / left to right: BE101, OR202, BR401, GR701.

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Skinfood Nail Vita Essence Review

Setelah kemarin menulis review kutek, sekarang mau nulis tentang perawatan kuku. Buat yang sangat memperhatikan penampilan kuku, harusnya juga memperhatikan kesehatan kuku lho. Kalau ngga pernah dirawat dengan baik, kuku bisa rusak, kering, warnanya kuning, dan kadang pecah-pecah terutama kalau baru dibersihin dengan acetone atau pembersih kutek. Sedikit info mengenai acetone
After write a review about nail polish before, i want to write about nails care. If we like to have pretty nails, we need to keep them healthy. If we don't care for them, it would damaged, dried, yellowish , and sometimes cracked if we just used acetone. And i want to share a bit about acetone:

Acetone is a flammable solvent that is commonly found in nail polish remover. Exposure to high levels of acetone can cause death, coma, unconsciousness, seizures, and respiratory distress. It can damage your kidneys and the skin in your mouth. 

Breathing moderate-to-high levels of acetone for short periods of time can cause nose, throat, lung, and eye irritation. It can also cause intoxication, headaches, fatigue, stupor, light-headedness, dizziness, confusion, increased pulse rate, nausea, vomiting, and shortening of the menstrual cycle in women. 

Breathing highly concentrated acetone vapors can irritate the respiratory tract and burn your eyes. Skin contact with acetone can irritate or damage your skin. 

Exposure to acetone can also cause low blood pressure, bronchial irritation, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, and an increased need to urinate. 

So, kalau bisa pilihlah pembersih kutek dengan bau yang tidak terlalu menyengat. Semakin menyengat baunya, semakin tinggi kadar acetone dan bahaya nya. 
So, we better choose nail remover with not too stingy scent. More stingy, it just mean more acetone and more dangerous.

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Etude House LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails #07 Rossy Pink

Etude House LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails #07 Rossy Pink

Kali ini mau membahas mengenai salah satu kutek Etude House yang sudah lama kubeli, yaitu LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails #07 Rossy Pink. Ukuran kutek ini cukup besar, 13ml. Bentuknya menyerupai bentuk hati dan tangkai kuasnya panjang, memudahkan kita untuk membuka dan menutup kuteknya.
 This time i want to write 'bout Etude House nail polish, LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails #07 Rossy Pink. The size is big, 13ml. Design like heart and the handle is quite long, make it easier to close and open it.