Sabtu, 18 Desember 2021

Mungyeong Saejae Filming Site Review Tempat Syuting Film Historical Sageuk di Korea Selatan 문경새재 촬영장 가상여행을 떠나볼까요?

Hi guys, yuk kita jalan-jalan virtual ke Mungyeong Saejae Filming Site. Tempat ini adalah tempat syuting film historical Korea (sageuk) dengan latar jaman dinasti Joseon. Mungyeong merupakan sebuah kota yang berada di Provinsi Gyeongsang Utara (Gyeongbuk), Korea Selatan. Kota ini memiliki pemandangan yang indah dan bernuansa tradisional nan bersejarah. Salah satu wisata yang terkenal di Kota Mungyeong adalah Mungyeong Saejae. Mungyeong Saejae merupakan lokasi syuting drama Korea milik stasiun televisi penyiaran publik Korea Selatan, Korean Broadcasting System (KBS). Beberapa drama Korea yang menggunakan Mungyeong Saejae sebagai lokasi syuting adalah Moon Embracing The Sun, Deep Rooted Tree, Jeon Woochi, Jang Ok Jeong, My Love From The Star, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Hotel Del Luna, Legend Of The Blue Sea, dan baru-baru ini Mr. Queen, Kingdom dan Lovers Of The Red Sky juga syuting disini lho. Yuk simak lebih lanjut divideo ini! 

Hi guys, let's take a virtual trip to Mungyeong Saejae Filming Site. This place is a shooting location for Korean historical films (sageuk) with the background of the Joseon dynasty. Mungyeong is a city in North Gyeongsang Province (Gyeongbuk), South Korea. This city has beautiful scenery and has a traditional and historical feel. One of the famous tours in Mungyeong City is Mungyeong Saejae. Mungyeong Saejae is a Korean drama shooting location belonging to the South Korean public broadcasting television station, Korean Broadcasting System (KBS). Some Korean dramas that use Mungyeong Saejae as a filming location are Moon Embracing The Sun, Deep Rooted Tree, Jeon Woochi, Jang Ok Jeong, My Love From The Star, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Hotel Del Luna, Legend Of The Blue Sea, and recently, Mr. Queen, Kingdom and Lovers Of The Red Sky are also shooting here.

안녕하세요 여러분, 문경새재촬영장 가상여행을 떠나볼까요? 이곳은 조선시대를 배경으로 한 사극의 촬영지이다. 문경시는 대한민국 경상북도(경북)에 있는 시이다. 이 도시는 아름다운 풍경과 전통적이고 역사적인 느낌이 있습니다. 문경시내 관광명소 중 하나가 문경새재입니다. 문경 새재는 대한민국의 공영 방송국인 KBS(한국 방송)에 속한 한국 드라마 촬영 장소입니다. 문경새재를 촬영지로 사용한 한국 드라마로는 해를 품은 달, 뿌리깊은 나무, 전우치, 장옥정, 별에서 온 그대, 성균관 스캔들, 호텔 델루나, 푸른 바다의 전설 등이 있다. 철인왕후, 킹덤, 홍천기도 이곳에서 촬영합니다.

☞ Alamat: 932, Saejae-ro, Mungyeong-eup, Mungyeong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도 문경시 문경읍 새재로 932) ☞ Petunjuk arah: Naik bus dari Terminal Bus Mungyeong menuju Mungyeongsaejae → Turun di Halte Bus Mungyeongsaejae → Jalan sekitar 25 menit ☞ Biaya masuk: Dewasa 2,000 won / Remaja 1,000 won / Anak-anak 500 won * Dewasa (usia 19-64) / Remaja (usia 13-18) / Anak-anak (usia 7-12) ☞ Jam operasional: November-Februari 09:00-17:00 / Maret-Oktober 09:00-18:00 ☞ Situs web: (Hanya bahasa Korea) 

- 아지구 
 - JYP Official 스트레이키즈 
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 #loversoftheredsky #kingdom #straykids #mrqueen #straykidsthunderous #kingdomseason2 #redsky #thunderous #소리꾼 #스트레이키즈 #straykidscomeback #youmakestraykidsstay #킹덤 #킹덤시즌2 #철인왕후 #홍천기 #문경 #문경새재 #광화문 #korea #koreandrama #dramakorea #drama 

Unboxing KFriends Welcome Kit From Korea Tourism Organization

Hi guys, kali ini aku mau mengenalkan K-Friends, dan aku salah satu anggota K-Friends itu dari tahun 2020. K-Friends itu diperuntukkan untuk orang-orang yang menyukai kebudayaan Korea, tourism nya dan sebagainya. Semua orang bisa jadi K-Friends, tugasnya adalah mempromosikan tentang Korea ke seluruh dunia. Video diatas adalah K-Friends Welcome Kit, jadi kayak dapat hadiahnya gitu. Apa kamu juga K-Friends? Komen dibawah ya!

Hi guys, I am part of K-Friends. Let me introduce K-Friends. It is for Friends who love Korean culture, tourism and more. Anyone can become a K-Friend, online ambassadors promoting Korea around the world. What I shows you in this video is K-Friends Welcome Kit (year 2020). Are you K-Friends too?

안녕하세요 여러분, 저는 K-Friends입니다. K-Friends를 소개합니다. 한국 문화, 관광 등을 사랑하는 친구들을 위한 곳입니다. 누구나 K-Friend가 될 수 있습니다. K-Friend는 전 세계에 한국을 알리는 온라인 홍보대사입니다. 이번 영상에서 보여드리는 것은 K-Friends Welcome Kit(2020년)입니다. 당신도 케이프렌즈입니까?

Music: Miami

Video diatas ini adalah hadiah yang aku dapetin waktu menang giveaway nya Kingdom Friends di instagram. Aku juga buat video ala ASMR gitu. Enjoy!

What I shows you in this video is what i got from winning Kingdom Friends's event on instagram. I make Asmr video, enjoy! 

이번 영상에서 보여드리는 것은 인스타그램에서 킹덤프렌즈 이벤트 당첨으로 얻은 것입니다 ^^
Asmr 영상을 만들고 있으니 즐겨주세요!

Music: Miami 

#kfriends #unboxing #kingdomfriends #visitkorea #imagineyourkorea #lovekorea #korea #koreatourismorganization #kto #indonesia #킹덤프렌즈

Kamis, 29 April 2021

Pari Island Backpacker Thousand Island (Indonesia Is Not Only Bali) | 발리가 아닌 파리 섬 배낭 여행 천개의 섬 인도네시아

Pari Island Backpacker (Indonesia Is Not Only Bali) | 발리가 아닌 파리 섬 배낭 여행 천개의 섬 인도네시아 

Halo teman-teman, di video ini aku coba pakai bahasa korea dan subtitle korean dan inggris karena tujuanku buat video ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi dan menarik minat para wisata asing terutama bule dan orang korea (karena aku bisanya cuma bahasa inggris dan korea, dan sekalian latihan hehe). Orang asing kan tahunya indo itu ya bali doang, padahal masih banyak tempat wisata indo itu yang wow banget buat diperkenalkan ke wisatawan. Kalau kamu setuju, like dan subscribe youtube channelku yah hehe ^^

Watch in Youtube

Korean Version

Pari Island (Thousand Island Indonesia) Backpacker 파리 섬 (천개의 섬) 인도네시아 배낭 여행 

안녕하세요! 지난 비디오에 제가 인도네시아에 있는 천개의섬 소개했는데요, 이번에 파리 섬을 소개하고 싶어요. 

파리 섬은 천개의섬 일부예요. 파리 섬은 파리라는 물고기의 이름을 따서 명명 되었어요. 

저는 2019년 12월에 배낭 여행으로 파리 섬에 갔어요. 

파리 섬에 갔을 때 Pantai Perawan, Pantai Kresek, Pantai Bintang 그리고 Tanjung Reggae에 갔어요. 

Pantai Perawan 한국말로는 처녀 해변? Pantai Bintang은 별 해변? Pantai Kresek 한국말로는 플라스틱 백 해변? 그리고 Tanjung Reggae는 한국말로 레개 꽂인가? 

뭐.. 그런 곳에 갔어요. 

저는 2019년에 배낭 여행으로 갔거든요 그래서 Traveloka 앱을 사용해서 홈스테이를 예약했어요. 하루에는 사십만 루피아정도 들어요. 

파리 섬에 가고 싶으면 먼저 Kali Adem의 항구에 가야 돼요. 우리는 오전 6시 이전에 항구에도착해야 돼요. 안 그러면 티켓이 다 매진 될거예요. 티켓을 구매할 때 꼭 신분증을 가지고 가야 돼요. 

배 종류는 많고 가격이 달라요. 더 빠를수록 더 비싸요. 

저는 그 때는 교통부의 배로 타고 갔어요. 그래서 티켓이 완전 싸요. 파리 섬은 지역1에 있어서 한명에 44.000 루피아 들어요. 

저는 파리 섬에 갔을 떼 Traveloka 앱을 사용해서 2박3일 홈스테이를 예약했어요. 

사실 그 때에는 하루에 400.000 루피아정도 들었는데 저는 할인 받아서 이틀에는 700.000 루피아정도 들어요. 

파리 섬에는 자전거, 오토바이, '벤터'를 빌릴 수 있어요. 벤토는 인력거와 오토바이의 조합이에요. 

인도네시아 말로 Becak Motor. Becak은 인력거, Motor은 오토바이의 뜻이에요. 

저는 오토바이를 탈 수가 없어서 자전거를 빌리기로 선택했어요. 

처음에 Pantai Perawan에 갔어요. 여기에는 코코넛과 해산물을 먹을 수 있고 배구 할 수 있고 텐트를 빌려서 거기서 잘 수 있고 수영 할 수 있고 배도 탈 수 있엉요. 

입장료는 약 5.000 루피아 들어요. 

여기에 맹그로브 관광 교육이 있어서 많은 맹그로브를 볼 수 있어요. 

직원들이 항상 이 지역을 잘 청소하기 때문에 여기에 물은 개끗하고 쓰레기가 별로 없더라고요. 

맹그로브를 보고싶거나 수영하고 싶지 않으면 배를 탈 수 있어요. 물론 돈도 내야 돼요. 근데 비싸지 않아요. 

그리고 사람들이 앉아서 휴식을 취하거나 시진을 찍을 수 있도록 중간에 스윙도 있어요. 

아침에는 물이 높기 때문에 센터에 가고 싶다면 수영을 하거나 배를 타야 돼요. 

근데 오후에는 물이 적고 그냥 걸어 가기만 하면 돼요. 

드디어 저는 맹그로브를 보기 위해 배를 탔어요. 맹그로브 나무 가운데서 보트 아저씨가 우리 사진을 무료로 찍을 거에요. 

사실 이렇게 맹그로브 나무 가운데에 있다는 것은 정말 신기하고 좋은 경험이라고 생각해요. 

물이 적을 때 여기에 맹그로브를 잘 볼 수 있어요. 맹그로브를 이렇게 가까이에서 본 것은 처음이고 신기해요! 

어.. 이것을 찾았는데 이름이 뭔지 몰라요. 알면 알려 주세요 ^^ 

이렇게 겁찔을 돌릴 수 있는것 몰랐어요. 참.. 재미있네요! 

다음은 Pantai Bintang에 갔어요. 왜 Pantai Bintang으로 부르느냐면 불가사리가 많아서 그렇게 부르는거예요. 

불가사리는 인도네시아 말로 Bintang Laut이에요 그래서 Pantai Bintang으로 불러요. 

오후에는 물이 적어서 불가사리를 잘 볼 수 있어요. 

사실 이렇게 살아 있는 불가사리를 만지는건 처음이라..뭐랄까.. 간지럽고 신기해요! 

불가사리는 몸을 돌릴 수 있구나... 그렇게 움직이구나... 

그리고 게를 찾았어요. 모래와 잘 어울려서 거의 못 봤어요.

이 게는 너무 똑똑한가봐.. 제가 던지는 조개 겁찔을 잡을 수 있다니...

다음.. Tanjung Reggae에 갔어요. Tanjung Reggae는 한국말로 레개 꽂인가? 

Tanjung Reggae는 섬의 끝에서 멀리 떨어져 있어요. 여기는 사람이 별로 없고 받아 소리를 잘 들어서 좋아요. 

오후에는 물이 적고 할일 별로 없어서 아침에 가면 제일 좋을 것 같아요. 

자.. 지금부터 자연을 즐겨 봅시다! 

여러분, 스트레스를 많이 받거나 지칠 때에는 잠깐 여기로 오세요. 여행으로 가도 좋을 거예요. 

다음 여행에도 만나요. 구독과 좋아요 눌러 주세요. 감사합니다.

English Version

Pari Island (Thousand Island Indonesia) Backpacker 

Hi guys! In the previous video, I introduced a Tidung Island, a part of thousand islands in Indonesia, and this time I want to introduce the Pari Island. 

The Pari Island is part of a thousand islands. The Pari Island is named after the fish called Stingray (Stingray in Indonesia is Ikan Pari). 

I went to Pari Island on a backpacking trip in December 2019. 

When I went to the Pari Island, I went to Pantai Perawan, Pantai Kresek, Pantai Bintang and Tanjung Reggae. 

Pantai Perawan is The Virgin Beach in English? Pantai Bintang is a Star Beach? Pantai Kresek is Plastic Bag Beach? And Tanjung Reggae is Reggae Cape? 

Well... I went to such a place. 

I went backpacking in 2019, so I booked a homestay using the Traveloka app. It costs about 400,000 rupiah a day. 

If you want to go to Pari Island, you must first go to the port of Kali Adem. We have to arrive at the port before 6 am. Otherwise, all tickets will be sold out. When purchasing tickets, you must bring your ID with you. 

There are many types of boats, the price is different. The faster it is, the more expensive it is. 

At that time, I took a boat from the Department of Transportation. So the tickets are completely cheap. Because Pari Island is in Area 1 (Zona 1), it costs 44.000 rupiah per person. 

When I was on Pari Island, I booked a homestay for 3 days and 2 nights using the Traveloka app. 

In fact, at that time, it cost about 400.000 rupiah a day, but I got discount and it costs about 700.000 rupiah for two days. 

You can rent bikes, motorcycles and 'Bentor' on Pari Island. 'Bentor' is a combination of a rickshaw and a motorcycle. 

Becak Motor in Indonesian. Becak means rickshaw, and Motor means motorcycle. 

I couldn't ride a motorcycle, so I chose to rent a bike. 

First I went to Pantai Perawan. Here you can eat coconuts and seafood, play volleyball, rent a tent to sleep there, swim and ride a boat. 

Admission costs about Rp 5.000. 

There is a Mangrove Tourism Education here, so you can see a lot of mangroves.

The water here is clean and there is not much trash because the staff always clean the area well.

If you want to go to see the mangroves or don't want to swim, you can take a boat. Of course, you have to pay. But it's not expensive. 

And there's also a swing in the middle so people can sit down and take a break or take a photo. 

The water is high in the morning, so if you want to go to the center, you have to swim or take a boat. 

But in the afternoon, the water is low and you can just walk.

Finally, I got on a boat to see the mangroves. Among the mangrove trees, Mr. Boat will take our pictures for free.

Actually, i think, being in the middle of a mangrove tree like this is a wonderful and a great experience.

When the water is low, you can see the mangroves very well. It's the first time I've seen a mangrove so close and it's amazing! 

Hey... I found this, but I don't know what its name is. Let me know if you know ^^ 

I didn't know it can turn its shell like this. It's fun! 

Next we went to Pantai Bintang. The reason why its called Pantai Bintang is that there are so many starfish over there.

Starfish is Bintang Laut in Indonesian, so it's called Pantai Bintang.

In the afternoon, there is little water, so you can see the starfish well.

Actually, it's the first time I ever touched a living starfish like this.

Starfish can turn around... it moves like that...

And I found a crab. It blends so well with the sand, so I almost didn't see it. 

I think this crab is too smart... to be able to catch the shell of the clam that I throw...

Next... I went to Tanjung Reggae (or Reggae Cape in English).

Tanjung Reggae is far and is located at the end of the island. I like this place because there aren't many people here and i love the sound of the sea. 

In the afternoon, there is little water and there is not much to do, so it would be best to go in the morning. 

Now... Let's enjoy nature now!

Guys,  if you are under a lot of stress or tired, please come here (even for a while). It would be nice too if you come for a holiday.

Minggu, 11 April 2021

Handmade Cat Ear Bracelet | Gelang Kuping Kucing


Nonton di youtube

Hi guys, ini adalah handmade cat ear bracelet by Annate atau gelang berbahan dasar benang nylon berbentuk kuping kucing yang lucu. 

Cocok untuk dipakai sendiri atau sebagai hadiah. 

Talinya bisa dikecilkan atau dibesarkan sesuai keinginan, dan dibagian pengikatnya dipermanis dengan pearl beads berwarna biru-ungu-pink. 

Warnanya ada beberapa, yaitu lavender, navy, white, fuschia, dan sky blue. 

Note: Gratis packaging pakai box dan dapat kantong serut yang cantik ^^

Yang mana favouritemu? ^^

Harganya Rp 35.000/pcs.

Yang mau order, bisa belanja lewat shopee  atau buka linkt.ree/annateshop

Music: Back Home URL

#handmade​ #gelanghandmade​ #catearbracelet​ #catear​ #gelangkucing​ #gelangkucinghandmade​ #jualanku​ #handmadebracelet #jualgelanghandmade #cat #catlover #kucing #shopee #racunshopee

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2021

Ryo Jayang Yunmo Shampoo Anti Rontok Review | Anti Hair Loss Shampoo (2021) | 려자양윤모샴푸

Hi..hi..guys.. Kali ini mau review tentang Ryo Jayang Yunmo Shampoo Anti Rontok / Anti Hair Loss Shampoo / 려자양윤모샴푸

Ryo Jayang Yunmo Shampoo ini merupakan perawatan untuk rambut rontok yang terbuat dari bahan herbal (ginseng) yang fungsinya untuk memperkuat akar rambut, mengurangi kerontokan rambut dan uniknya mereka membagi nya kedalam 3 varian yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan jenis kulit kepala kita, yaitu:

- Sensitive: untuk jenis kulit kepala sensitif.
- Oily Scalp: untuk jenis kulit kepala berminyak, cocok untuk yang rambutnya cepat lepek.
- Normal & Dry Scalp: untuk jenis kulit kepala normal dan kering.

Hi guys, so today i want to review Ryo Jayang Yunmo Anti Hair Loss Shampoo.
Ryo Jayang Yunmo Shampoo is anti hair loss shampoo made from herbal ingredients, such as ginseng etc and it helps to strengthen hair root, lessen hair loss and i think it's very unique (and thoughtful) that they made it in 3 variants for each kind of scalp:
- Sensitif: for sensitive scalp
- Oily Scalp: for oily scalp and it's really suitable for greasy hair type
- Normal & Dry Scalp: suitable for normal and dry scalp

Ryo ini produk dari Amore Pacific, jadi udah ga diragukan lagi sih kualitasnya.
Shampoo ini merupakan shampoo yang uda KFDA Registered, masuk ke 2020 Best Hair Care dan masih banyak dapat penghargaan lainnya.
Shampoo ini ukurannya lumayan gede, yaitu 400ml, dengan bentuk packaging pump. Jadi nyaman dipakainya.
Untuk warnanya coklat gitu, punya wangi ginseng yang cukup menenangkan. Busanya ga terlalu banyak. Aku udah pernah coba ketiga varian ini sih, dan cocok sama yang tipe oily scalp karena rambutku itu rontok dan cepet banget lepeknya :(
Di aku lumayan ngaruh untuk mengurangi rontok, tapi hasilnya ga instan.

Ryo is a product from Amore Pacific, so i trust the quality. This shampoo also KFDA Registered, 2020 Best Hair Care, and they also got others awards as well. This shampoo is 400ml with a pump, so it's really comfortable. The shampoo has brown-ish color, has a calming ginseng scent. It doesn't have many bubble when i try it. And actually i already tried all of the variants, and i really like the oily scalp because i suffer from hair loss and have oily scalp, that make my hair become easily greasy!
I think it's quite great as anti hair loss, but the result wouldn't instant.

Kurang lebih aku udah pakai beberapa belas botol sejak tahun 2017, dari packaging lama sampai packaging baru! Tuh foto diatas itu foto dari tahun 2017. Mulai dari seri hambit sampai jayang yunmo, dari shampoo, treatment sampai essencenya. Dan ada juga yang lain tapi aku lupa ambil fotonya.
Gonta-ganti antara varian oily, sensitive dan normal&dry scalp. Tapi tetap sih favoritku sepertinya yang oily scalp. Oh ya, setelah pemakaian bertahun-tahun, aku merasa rambutku jadi ga rusak, ga ada cabang dan ga pecah-pecah gitu lho guys pakai shampoo ini.
Nah, gimana menurutmu? Apakah kamu tertarik buat cobain shampoo ini? Atau kamu sudah pernah coba? Komen dibawah ya ^^

I already used them a dozen bottles since 2017, from the old packaging to the newest one! The photo above is taken in 2017 and i already tried hambit series, jayang yunmo etc, the shampoo, treatment and essence. And some others that i forgot to take their picture! Sometimes i change from sensitive scalp, to oily scalp, and then to normal & dry scalp and actually my favourite is oily scalp. After several years of using this shampoo, i think it helps reducing damaged hair and reducing split end.
So, what do you think? Are you interested to try this shampoo? Or maybe you already tried it? Please share yours experience ^^

Kamu bisa beli di:

Shopee nya Annateshop ^^
Harga Rp 195.000

Cek juga:

- packagingnya bagus bentuk pump gitu dan ada banyak ukuran. Yang gede ini 400ml / pump packaging and they provide many size, the biggest one is 400ml
- lumayan mengurangi rambut rontok / it helps lessen the hair loss
- wangi ginseng yang menenangkan / has a calming ginseng scent
- didesain dengan menyesuaikan jenis kulit kepala yang berbeda-beda / i think it's very unique (and thoughtful) that they made it in 3 variants for each kind of scalp
- efektif memperbaiki rambut rusak, bercabang dan pecah-pecah / effective to helps reducing damaged hair and split ends
- KFDA Registered

- ga instan langsung mengurangi rambut rontok / it doesn't instantly reducing hair loss
- rada mahal karena mesti pakai sampai banyak botol / quite expensive, because i have to use dozen of bottles

8/10 Great product anyway


Music: Wander
Musician: Ikson
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