Rabu, 21 September 2022

Menang Lomba Membaca Dongeng Korea Dan Indonesia By Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (KCCI) dan Live Di Tiktok! Hadiahnya Apa?

Menang Lomba Membaca Dongeng Korea Dan Indonesia By Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (KCCI) dan live juga di Tiktok nya KCCI! Kira-kira hadiahnya apa ya?

Hi guys, dalam rangka memeriahkan hari kemerdekaan Korea dan Indonesia yang sama-sama jatuh di bulan Agustus, KCCI mengadakan lomba Membaca Dongeng Korea dan Indonesia di platform Tiktok. 

Dalam lomba ini, para peserta harus membacakan dua judul dongeng: 
- Dongeng dari Korea (dalam bahasa Korea)
- Dongeng dari Indonesia (boleh dalam bahasa Korea atau bahasa Indonesia. Jika dibawakan dalam bahasa Korea akan mendapatkan nilai tambahan). 

Aku memilih dongeng dari Korea yang berjudul 소가 된 게으름뱅이 yang bercerita tentang seorang suami yang hobinya rebahan guys, akhirnya dia berubah jadi sapi dan dijual ke seorang petani. Setiap hari dia bekerja keras sebagai sapi dan ketika berhasil kembali jadi manusia, dia kapok dan jadi rajin bekerja dan akhirnya menjadi orang kaya. 

Dongeng kedua adalah dongeng dari Indonesia berjudul Si Kelingking (새끼 손가락) dari pulau Bangka Belitung, yang bercerita tentang sepasang suami istri yang berdoa meminta anak tapi ternyata ketika lahir anaknya hanya seukuran kelingking! Bagaimana kisahnya? Nonton ya di bagian akhir video! 

Walaupun cuma juara 3, tapi ini pertama kalinya aku challenge diri sendiri untuk ikut lomba membacakan dongeng, terutama membaca dalam bahasa Korea! Banyak banget yang di dapat ketika ikut lomba ini, misalnya dapat hadiah, belajar tentang dongeng dari Korea dan Indonesia (ada dongeng tentang apa aja), belajar tentang pronouncation yang benar (membaca nya juga harus lumayan cepat karena diberi waktu 6 menit untuk 2 cerita), belajar menerjemahkan cerita Indonesia ke bahasa Korea (pemilihan kosa kata sampai grammar yang benar), belajar untuk memberanikan diri men-challenge diri sendiri untuk ikut lomba membaca dongeng, dan belajar untuk berani membacakan dongengnya secara live di Tiktok nya KCCI (nerveous banget asli!), dapat teman baru dan lain-lain! 

Nah, apakah kamu juga tertarik ikut lomba?? 

#lomba #lombamembacadongeng #lombamembacadongengkorea #lombadongeng #dongengkorea #koreanculturalcenter #koreanculturalcenterindonesia #kcci #tiktok #소가된게으름뱅이 #새끼손가락 #sikelingking #bangkabelitung

Selasa, 26 April 2022

Idonthinkso Easy To Draw Eyebrow Review #04 Beige Brown and #06 T Gray

Idonthinkso Easy To Draw Eyebrow Review #04 Beige Brown and #06 T Gray

Hi guys, sebelumnya aku pernah review eyeliner dari Idonthinkso, kali ini aku mau review Idonthinkso Easy To Draw Eyebrow warna #04 Beige Brown and #06 T Gray.
Eyebrow nya sih sama seperti pensil alis pada umumnya, yaitu yang bentuknya diputar, ga usah diruncing dan dibagian ujungnya dilengkapi dengan sikat alis. Warnanya ada banyak, sehingga bisa dicocokan dengan warna rambut atau warna kulit kita sih. Warnanya antara lain:
Deep Brown, Cherry Plum, Ella Brown, T-Gray, Eva Brown, Beige Brown, Black Brown, Dark Brown, NBrown.
Oh ya produk ini merupakan produk yang diproduksi di daerah Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea Selatan.
Warnanya menurutku super tipis tapi terlihat alami. Untuk no #06 T Gray nya sih oke, warnanya natural dan gampang dipakainya. Kalau untuk no #04 Beige Brown nya lebih tipis warnanya, kurang pigmented kalau dibandingkan dengan warna T Gray.
Harganya 3800 won, menurutku cukup standar lah ya.
Untuk design packagingnya menurutku terlalu simple.

Hi guys, previously I reviewed eyeliner from Idonthinkso, so this time I want to review Idonthinkso Easy To Draw Eyebrow color #04 Beige Brown and #06 T Gray.
The eyebrow is the same as the other eyebrow pencil, does not need to be sharpened and is equipped with an eyebrow brush at the other tip. There are many colors, so it can be matched with our hair color or skin color. The colors include:
Deep Brown, Cherry Plum, Ella Brown, T-Gray, Eva Brown, Beige Brown, Black Brown, Dark Brown, NBrown.
Btw, this product is a product produced in the Gyeongsan area, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea.
The color is super thin in my opinion but looks natural. For #06 T Gray, it's okay, the color is natural and easy to use. As for #04 Beige Brown, the color is thinner, less pigmented than T Gray.
The price is 3800 won, I think it's pretty standard.
In my opinion, the packaging design looks too simple.

안녕하세요 여러분, 이전에 아이돈띵쏘 아이라이너 리뷰를 했었는데 이번에는 아이돈띵쏘 이지 투 드로우 아이브로우 컬러 04호 베이지 브라운과 06호 T 그레이를 리뷰해보려고 합니다.
이아이브로우는 일반 아이브로우 펜슬과 같으며 날카롭게 할 필요가 없으며 반대쪽 끝에 아이브로우 브러시가 있습니다. 색상이 다양하여 우리의 머리색이나 피부색에 맞출 수 있습니다. 색상은 다음과 같습니다.
딥 브라운, 체리 플럼, 엘라 브라운, T-그레이, 에바 브라운, 베이지 브라운, 블랙 브라운, 다크 브라운, 엔브라운.
참고로 이 제품은 대한민국 경상북도 경산지역에서 생산되는 제품입니다.
제 생각에는 색상이 매우 얇지만 자연스러워 보입니다. #06 T 그레이는 색상이 자연스럽고 사용하기 쉽습니다. 하지만 #04 베이지 브라운은 T그레이보다 색이 옅고 착색이 적습니다.
가격은 3800원인데 꽤 괜찮은 것 같습니다.
제 생각에는 포장 디자인이 너무 단순해 보입니다.

Music: Bensound-acousticbreeze
 #Idonthinkso #아이돈띵쏘 #eyebrow #eyebrowreview #idonthinksoeasytodraweyebrow #idonthinksoeasytodraweyebrowreview #review #beigebrown #TGray #Gray #brown #리뷰

Jumat, 01 April 2022

Dayskin Centella Intensive Tone Up Cream Review 데이스킨 센텔라 인텐시브 톤업 크림 리뷰

Dayskin Centella Intensive Tone Up Cream Review

Available: English and Bahasa Indonesia's Subtitle. Turn on the subtitle! 

안녕~ Guys, kalian tahu ga sih kalau sunscreen itu penting banget buat kulit? Kulit yang terpapar sinar matahari dapat menyebabkan kulit terbakar, penuaan, flek, hingga kanker kulit lho! Tapi kamu ga perlu khawatir karena ada Dayskin Centella Intensive Tone Up Cream, dengan SPF 30, dapat melindungi kulit dari sinar uv dan merupakan cream multifungsi yang dapat mencerahkan kulit wajah yang kusam, memudarkan bekas jerawat, membuat kulit terlihat lebih bercahaya. Ga cuma bisa dipakai diwajah saja lho, cream ini dapat digunakan di area yang gelap seperti siku, leher, kaki dan ketiak.

Sudahkah kalian pakai sunscreen hari ini? Yuk cobain! 

Hi guys, do you know that sunscreen is very important for our skin? Skin that is exposed to the sun can cause sunburn, aging, spots, and even skin cancer! But worry not, Dayskin Centella Intensive Tone Up Cream, with SPF 30, can protect skin from UV rays. It is a multifunctional cream that can brighten dull skin, fade acne scars, and make skin look more radiant. Not only can it be used on the face, but also can be used on dark areas such as elbows, neck, legs and armpits. Have you applied your sunscreen today? Let's try it! 

안녕하세요 여러분, 자외선 차단제가 우리 피부에 매우 중요하다는 사실, 알고 계셨나요? 태양에 노출된 피부는 일광화상, 노화, 기미, 심지어 피부암까지 유발할 수 있어요! 하지만 SPF 30의 데이스킨 센텔라 인텐시브 톤업 크림은 자외선으로부터 피부를 보호할 수 있으니 걱정하지 마세요. 칙칙한 피부를 밝게 하고, 여드름 흉터를 옅게 하며, 피부를 더욱 빛나게 가꾸어주는 다기능 크림이에요. 얼굴 뿐만 아니라 팔꿈치, 목, 다리, 겨드랑이 등 어두운 부위에도 사용 가능함! 여러분, 오늘 선크림 잘 바르셨나요? 

Sources: animation by TED-Ed and Bellettemedia. 
Music: I Never Stop To See You Crying by Fugue. 

 #DAYSKIN #ToneUpCream #sunscreen #pemutihwajah #whitening
#데이스킨 #톤업크림 #리뷰

Jumat, 25 Maret 2022

Idonthinkso Get In Line Liquid Eyeliner Review 아이돈띵쏘 아이라이너 리뷰

Idonthinkso Get In Line Liquid Eyeliner Review 아이돈띵쏘 아이라이너 리뷰

Hi guys, kali ini aku dapat kesempatan buat nyobain Eyeliner dari brand Idonthinkso, yang merupakan salah satu produk yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan kosmetik di Gyeongsangbukdo, Korea Selatan, yaitu Karma Cosmetics Co., Ltd. 
Untuk sementara produk ini belum dijual di Indonesia sih, tapi semoga ke depannya mereka bakal launching di Indo ya!

Hi guys, this time I have the opportunity to try Eyeliner from the Idonthinkso brand, which is one of the products by a cosmetic company in Gyeongsangbukdo, South Korea, Karma Cosmetics Co., Ltd. 
For the time being, this product is not sold in Indonesia, I hope they will launch this product in Indonesia soon!

안녕하세요 여러분, 이번에는 경상북도에 있는 화장품 회사인 ㈜카르마 화장품의 제품 중 하나인 아이돈띵쏘 브랜드의 아이라이너를 사용해 볼 기회가 생겼습니다.
웹사이트 www.karmacos.koreacosme.com 및 인스타그램 https://www.instagram.com/i_donthinkso/을 확인하세요.
지금은 인도네시아에서 판매 하지 않지만 곧 인도네시아에서 판매할 수 있기를 바랍니다!

Eyeliner ini punya 2 warna yaitu hitam dan coklat seperti gambar di atas. Eyeliner ini berbentuk brush dengan ujung yang cukup tipis, aplikatornya cukup bagus untuk membentuk eyeliner. Warnanya pigmented, dan setelah dites pakai selama beberapa jam, masih stay ga item-item dibawah mata.

This eyeliner has 2 colors, black and brown like the picture above. Theeyeliner has a brush with a fairly thin tip. The applicator is good enough to create eyeliner. The color is pigmented, and  no smudging even after using it for a few hours!

이 아이라이너는 위 사진처럼 블랙과 브라운 2가지 컬러가 있습니다. 이 아이라이너는 팁이 상당히 얇고, 어플리케이터는 아이라이너를 만들기에 좋습니다.
발색력도 좋고 몇시간 사용해도 번지지 않습니다!

Music: Masked Wolf - Astronaut In The Ocean, also cr to evilronimore

 #idonthinkso #아이돈띵쏘 #idonthinksoeyelinerreview #eyelier #eyelinerreview #아이라이너리뷰

Minggu, 23 Januari 2022

Easybab Woori Bibimbab Beef Flavor Review 이지밥 우리 비빔밥 쇠고기 리뷰

Easybab Woori Bibimbab, Bibimbap instan, 10 menit jadi!

Hi guys, jadi kali ini aku mau review bibimbap instan! Yang biasa nonton drakor pasti uda sering lihat pemerannya makan bibimbap kan? Bibimbap itu yang nasinya dicampur ini itu, dikasih sayuran, daging, kimchi, saus dan minyak wijen, trus diaduk-aduk itu lho.. Kadang pas nonton drakor malah lihat mereka makan kayak enak banget ampe ngiler hehe.. Nah, sebelumnya aku pernah makan bibimbap tuh di Lotteria, tapi udah lama banget sih dan kebetulan aku ada kesempatan nyobain bibimbap instan dari Easybab Woori Bibimbap ini! Terus terang aku belum pernah makan bibimbap instan sebelumnya, jadi aku penasaran banget gimana sih rasanya? Bibimbap yang kureview kali ini adalah  Easybab Woori Bibimbab Beef Flavor yaitu yang rasa sapi. Setahuku mereka ada banyak rasa sih kayak kimchi, jamur, babi, sapi, dan jjajang pedas. Cek aja web mereka di easybab.co.kr
Harganya cukup murah sekitar 30 ribuan, bisa dibeli di korinus.com

Hi guys, so this time I want to review an instant bibimbap! Those who usually watch Korean drama must have often seen the actors eat bibimbap, right? Bibimbap is mixed or stirred rice, using vegetables, meat, kimchi, sauce and sesame oil, then stirred it up.. Sometimes when I watch Korean drama, I see them eating, looks so delicious and it makes me drooling hehe.. Well, I've eaten Bibimbap before, in the Lotteria, but it's been a long time and I happened to have a chance to try this instant bibimbap from Easybab Woori Bibimbap! Frankly, I've never had instant bibimbap before, so I'm really curious, how it tastes like? The Bibimbap I'm reviewing this time is Easybab Woori Bibimbab Beef Flavor, which is beef flavored. As far as I know they have a lot of flavors like kimchi, mushroom, pork, beef, and spicy jjajang. Just check their website at easybab.co.kr
The price is quite cheap, around  2 usd, you can buy it at korinus.com (Indonesia's shop).

이지밥 우리 비빔밥
안녕하세요 여러분! 이번에는 인스턴트 비빔밥을 리뷰하려고 해요! 한국 드라마를 자주 보시는 분들은 배우들이 비빔밥을 먹는 모습을 많이 보셨겠죠? 비빔밥은 밥에 야채, 고기, 김치, 고추장, 참기름을 넣고 버무린 후 비벼먹는 음식입니다.. 가끔 한국 드라마에서 비빔밥 먹는거 보면 너무 맛있어 보이고 진짜 먹고싶다 ㅎㅎ.. 예전에 롯데리아에서 비빔밥을 먹어본적이 있는데 요즘 이지밥 우리비빔밥에서 인스턴트 비빔밥을 먹어볼 기회가 생겼어요! 사실 저는 인스턴트 비빔밥을 먹어본 적이 없어서 정말 궁금합니다. 맛은 어떤가요? 이번에 리뷰할 비빔밥은 쇠고기맛입니다. 내가 아는 한 김치, 버섯, 제육, 쇠고기, 매콤 짜장 등의 맛이 많이 있습니다. easybab.co.kr에서 웹 사이트를 확인하십시오.
가격은 약 2,300 원으로 상당히 저렴하며 korinus.com(인도네시아 매장)에서 구입할 수 있습니다.

- Dapat disajikan hanya dalam 10 menit!
- Berat bersih 100gr (339 Kcal)
- Tidak perlu dimasak 
- Rasa Daging Sapi 
- Memiliki BPOM
- Praktis 
- Mudah dibawa bepergian
- Mudah disajikan dalam keadaan darurat

- Can be served in just 10 minutes!
- Net weight 100gr (339 Kcal)
- No need to cook
- Beef Flavor
- Have BPOM
- Practical
- Easy to carry 
- Easy to serve in an emergency

- 단 10분만에 서빙 가능!
- 순중량 100gr(339Kcal)
- 요리할 필요가 없다
- 쇠고기 맛
- BPOM 보유
- 만들기 쉬운
- 휴대가 간편함
- 비상시에 만들기 쉬움

Diproduksi oleh chammifood.co., ltd
772-6, Seongsan-ro, seongsan-myeon, goryeong-gun, gyeongsangbukdo, korea


Beras setengah matang 57.68%, Pak choy, kubis, wortel, daging sapi kering dan rumput laut, protein kedelai,
Minyak Wijen, Saus bibimbap (mengandung tepung terigu, pemanis alami sorbitol, penguat rasa mononatrium glutamat)

Note: pada proses pembuatannya bersinggungan dan/atau menggunakan fasilitas bersama dengan bahan bersumber babi
Menurutku ini makanan instan tapi cukup bergizi lah ya ada daging sama sayuran, ada rumput laut (aku suka rumput lautnya btw), isi nya juga banyak! Ini cocok banget kalau lagi lapar pas tengah malam, apalagi sambil nonton drakor tuh.. beghhh!


Half cooked rice 57.68%, Pak choy, cabbage, carrots, dried beef and seaweed, soy protein,
Sesame Oil, Bibimbap Sauce (contains wheat flour, natural sweetener sorbitol, flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate)

Note: in the manufacturing process it comes in contact with and/or uses shared facilities with pork-sourced ingredients
I think this is instant food but it's quite nutritious, yes its rich with meat and vegetables, they also add seaweed (I like the seaweed btw). This is perfect if you're hungry in the middle of the night, especially while watching Korean drama.. very nice!
인스턴트 식품이지만 영양가가 상당히 높은 고기와 야채가 듬뿍 들어가 있고 김도 들어가 있어요. 한밤중에 배가 고플 때, 특히 한국 드라마를 보면서 먹으면 완벽합니다... 너무 좋아요!

Cara Penyajian

1. Buka kemasan, keluarkan saus dan minyak wijen.
2. Tuangkan air sampai menyentuh garis pembatas didalam kemasan lalu aduk nasi sebelum kemasan ditutup.
  3. Tunggu 10 menit jika menggunakan air panas atau 40 menit jika menggunakan air dingin.
  4. Buka kemasan dan masukkan bumbu dan minyak wijen lalu aduk rata. Bibimbap siap dimakan!

Menurutku sih rasanya cukup enak, buatnya gampang banget cuma perlu tuang air dan tunggu sampai 10 menitan trus masukin aja bumbunya dan diaduk, udah, jadi! sesimple itu! 

Oh ya, aku rekomen untuk adjust minyak wijennya karena kalau terlalu banyak, rasanya agak eneg gitu, tapi ya tergantung selera lah ya, kalau aku cuma pakai setengah aja baru rasanya pas.

Btw aku uda makan ampe 3 bungkus nih T.T dan stock dirumah sudah habis. Jadi pingin lagi huhu..

Gimana, apa kamu tertarik untuk mencoba? hehe

Serving method

1. Open the package, remove the sauce and sesame oil.
2. Pour water until it touches the water line inside the package and stir the rice before closing the package.
   3. Wait 10 minutes if using hot water or 40 minutes if using cold water.
   4. Open the package and add the sauce and sesame oil and mix well. Bibimbap is ready to eat!

I think it tastes pretty good, it's really easy to make, you just need to add water and wait for 10 minutes then just add the sauce, sesame oil, and  then stir, that's it! that simple!

Oh yes, I recommend adjusting the sesame oil because if it's too much, a bit queasy, but it depends on your taste! I personally only use half of it, and it will taste just right.

Btw I've eaten up to 3 packs of this T.T and i run out the stock at home. I want it more!

How about you, are you interested in trying it? ^^

서빙 방법

1. 포장을 개봉하여 고추장과 참기름을 제거합니다.
2. 봉지 안의 물선에 닿을 때까지 물을 붓고 쌀을 저어 봉지를 닫습니다.
    3. 뜨거운 물을 사용할 경우 10분, 찬물을 사용할 경우 40분을 기다립니다.
    4. 포장을 뜯고 참기름과 고추장을 넣고 잘 섞어주세요. 비빔밥 먹을 준비 완료!

맛도 꽤 좋은 것 같아요. 만들기도 정말 쉽고 물만 붓고 10분정도 기다렸다가 고추장과 참기름만 넣고 섞으면 끝! 간단해!

아 그리고, 참기름은 너무 많이 넣으면 약간 텁텁하니 취향에 따라 조절하시는 걸 추천드려요! 저는 개인적으로 반만 사용하는데 딱 좋은 맛입니다.

그리고 3팩까지 먹었는데 집에 더 이상 없어요. 더 원해!

당신은 어떻습니까, 당신은 이지밥 우리 비빔밥 시도하는 데 관심이 있습니까?

Music: Miami
URL: https://icons8.com/music/