CLIO Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips No 4 Born To Kill Review
클리오 립니큐어 #4호본투킬 리뷰
Hi, i think you guys have heard about Clio brand? Sandara Park is their newest brand ambassador. Before, i already used Clio products, Clio Gelpresso Waterproof Pecil Gel Liner. And i can admit it's a good quality product, smudgeproof even in my oily eyelid. I already tried many eyeliner, from pencil, liquid and gel but it always smudged, so troublesome, eh? And surprisely, Clio eyeliner is the one can suit me well, no smudge eyeliner anymore. So, after i satisfied with their eyeliner, i'm trying their lipnicure. I think this Clio Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips is quite interesting. Lipnicure, manicure for lips. This lipnicure claims it is long lasting than manicure and ultimate color than lipstick. This lipnicure is quite pricey than others lip tint. But well, it's worth to try!
Hi, sudah pada tahu merk Clio donk? Sandara Park adalah brand ambassador terbaru mereka. Sebelumnya aku udah pernah pakai produk Clio ini yaitu Clio Gelpresso Waterproof Pencil Gel Liner nya. Dan memang kualitasnya bagus banget, ga luntur sama sekali padahal aku punya oily eyelid. Aku pakai bermacam-macam eyeliner mulai dari pensil, liquid, ataupun gel selalu luntur. Dan agak surprise juga ternyata eyeliner ini yang paling oke, ga luntur di oily eyelid ku.
So, setelah puas dengan hasil eyeliner nya, sekarang aku lagi cobain lipnicure nya Clio. Clio Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips ini menurutku menarik.
Lipnicure, manicure for lips. Lipnicure ini diklaim tahan lama dan merupakan ultimate color than lipstick. Lipnicure ini sendiri harganya rada mahal, diatas rata-rata harga lip tint pada umumnya. Tapi well, it's worth to try!
Clio Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips - Sandara Park CF
Clio Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips has some shades option:
Clio Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips ini mempunyai beberapa warna, yaitu:
- #1 Jealousy
- #2 Just a Game
#3 Heartbreaker
- #4 Born to Kill
- #5 Romantico
- #6 Love Hate
A bit confused to choose the shade, tbh..
Agak galau milih mau warna yang mana sebenernya -.-"
Finally i choosed No.4 Born to Kill. The name is quite cool and it has bright red color, not tacky at all.
Akhirnya aku pilih No.4 Born to Kill. Namanya keren dan warnanya merah terang, tapi ga norak.
CLIO Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips No 4 Born To Kill
The packaging is like nail polish packaging. The lipnicure placed in a transparent bottle and we can see the content very clearly. The cap is in black color. Simple but looks elegant.
Packaging lipnicure ini mirip packaging kutek kuku. Bagian botol berwarna bening dan terlihat jelas warna lip tint nya. Bagian tutup berwarna hitam. Simple, tapi terlihat elegan.
CLIO Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips No 4 Born To Kill - Logo
On the bottle cap, there is a logo, written there is "GLASS".
Dibagian tutup nya terlihat logo bertuliskan "GLASS".
CLIO Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips No 4 Born To Kill - Detail
On the bottom of the bottle, we can see the brand (CLIO), code (4 Born to Kill), the manufactured date and expiry date after opened (18 Months).
Dibagian bawah ini bisa dilihat merk (CLIO), kode warna (4 Born to Kill), tanggal produksi, dan berapa lama produk ini expired setelah dibuka (18 bulan).
CLIO Lipnicure Glass Manicure For Lips No 4 Born To Kill - Lipnicure Applicator