Kali ini ingin mereview salah satu dari eyeshadow nya Holika Holika yaitu dari seri Holy Deer Eyeshadow. Eyeshadow ini mempunyai dua jenis eyeshadow yaitu Holy Deer Eyeshadow dan Holy Cat Eyeshadow.
This time i want to review one of Holika Holika eyeshadows, from Holy Deer Eyeshadow series. The eyeshadow has 2 series, Holy Deer Eyeshadow and Holy Cat Eyeshadow.
Untuk Holy Deer Eyeshadow ada 2 pilihan warna yaitu: / Holy Deer Eyeshadow has 2 choice:
#01 Pink Brown Deer dan #02 Beige Brown Deer.
Untuk Holy Cat Eyeshadow ada 2 pilihan warna yaitu: / Holy Cat Eyeshadow has 2 choice:
#01 Navy Smoky Cat dan #02 Khaki Smoky Cat.
Holika Holika Holy Deer Eyeshadow
Holika Holika Holy Cat Eyeshadow
Holika Holika Holy Deer and Holy Cat Eyeshadow
Nah ini dia Holy Deer dan Holy Cat Eyeshadownya. Holy Deer wadahnya berwarna keorenan dan Holy Cat berwarna kebiruan. Kali ini hanya akan mereview Holy Deer #01 Pink Brown Deer aja ya ^.^v
This is the Holy Deer and Holy Cat Eyeshadow. The Holy Deer is in orange and Holy cat is in blue. This time i just review the Holy Deer #01 Pink BrowN Deer only ^.^v
This is the Holy Deer and Holy Cat Eyeshadow. The Holy Deer is in orange and Holy cat is in blue. This time i just review the Holy Deer #01 Pink BrowN Deer only ^.^v
Holika Holika Holy Deer Eyeshadow #01 Pink Brown Deer
Holy Deer #01 Pink Brown Deer ini mempunyai wadah yang terbuat dari bahan kaleng dan isinya cukup ringan. Mempunyai motif renda2 yang membuat wadahnya kelihatan cantik, beda dengan wadah eyeshadow pada umumnya. Dibagian belakang terdapat keterangan dalam bahasa korea dan tanggal produksi.
This eyeshadow is made by light can, with lace motif make it looks beautiful. It's different than other eyeshadow. At the bottom, there are product description in Hangul and also the manufacture date.
Holika Holika Holy Deer Eyeshadow #01 Pink Brown Deer - Detail
Dibagian luar disegel dengan plastik transparan dan disegel lagi dengan stiker yang menunjukkan warna eyeshadow, hmm sayangnya warna stiker dengan isi didalamnya berbeda sekali. Eyeshadow ini dilengkapi dengan 1 eyeshadow sponge dan 1 plastik pemisah yang memisahkan eyeshadow sponge dengan eyeshadownya.
It sealed with transparent plastic and sealed again with a sticker which represent the eyeshadow shade inside but the color is different, though. It came with 1 of eyeshadow sponge and 1 of plastic separates which separate the eyeshadow and the eyeshadow sponge.
It sealed with transparent plastic and sealed again with a sticker which represent the eyeshadow shade inside but the color is different, though. It came with 1 of eyeshadow sponge and 1 of plastic separates which separate the eyeshadow and the eyeshadow sponge.
Holika Holika Holy Deer Eyeshadow #01 Pink Brown Deer - Shade
Eyeshadow ini terdiri dari 3 warna soft, yaitu coklat muda banget, coklat muda dan coklat agak tua. Hasilnya matte, ga berglitter. Mencari eyeshadow warna matte memang agak2 susah, kebanyakan berglitter jadi i like it lah karena hasilnya kelihatan lebih natural dan cocok dipakai sehari2. Warna eyeshadow ini memang ga begitu kelihatan, untuk membuat warnanya kelihatan harus dioleskan beberapa kali.
It has 3 soft color, light brown, brown and dark brown. It has matte finish, doesn't glitter. To find the matte eyeshadow is a bit hard, bcos there are many glitter eyeshadow rather than the matte. So, i like this eyeshadow very much, it looks natural and i can use it everyday. This eyeshadow is very soft and i need to apply it several times to make it visible.
It has 3 soft color, light brown, brown and dark brown. It has matte finish, doesn't glitter. To find the matte eyeshadow is a bit hard, bcos there are many glitter eyeshadow rather than the matte. So, i like this eyeshadow very much, it looks natural and i can use it everyday. This eyeshadow is very soft and i need to apply it several times to make it visible.
Holika Holika Holy Deer Eyeshadow #01 Pink Brown Deer - Waterproof Test
Disini aku mencoba apakah eyeshadow ini tahan air. Difoto pertama disebelah kiri kutetesin air lalu foto ditengah, airnya kubiarkan beberapa saat tanpa digosok, warnanya ga luntur masih bagus. Foto disebelah kanan ini setelah ditetesin air, dibiarkan beberapa saat kemudian kugosok beberapa kali. Warna coklat paling muda hilang tapi warna coklat muda dan coklat agak tuanya tetap ada. Jadi eyeshadow ini termasuk waterproof, ga mudah luntur dan tahan lama.
I do waterproof test. At the left, i drop water. In the center pic, i drop water and leave it without rub, the eyeshadow is still in good condition, not faded away. In the right pic, i drop water, leave it in seconds then rub it several times and the light brown is faded away but the brown and dark brown is still there. So this eyeshadow is waterproof, smudgeproof and long lasting.
I do waterproof test. At the left, i drop water. In the center pic, i drop water and leave it without rub, the eyeshadow is still in good condition, not faded away. In the right pic, i drop water, leave it in seconds then rub it several times and the light brown is faded away but the brown and dark brown is still there. So this eyeshadow is waterproof, smudgeproof and long lasting.
Holika Holika Holy Deer Eyeshadow #01 Pink Brown Deer - Before and After
Foto sebelah kiri tanpa eyeshadow. Disebelah kanan setelah kupakai eyeshadow nya, kupakai cukup tipis karena ingin warna yang lebih natural dan cocok untuk makeup sehari-hari. Menurutku warnanya sangat cantik. Eyeshadow ini tahan lama banget lho, dipakai seharian eyeshadownya tetap nempel walau ga pake eye primer. Like it so much!
The left pic is without eyeshadow then the right pic is after i use the eyeshadow. I apply it thinly bcos i want to have natural looks for my everyday makeup. I think this eyeshadow is very pretty. It's really long lasting even without eye primer. Like it so much!
- warnanya cantik / pretty color
- ada 4 pilihan warna (#01 Pink Brown Deer dan #02 Beige Brown Deer dan #01 Navy Smoky Cat dan #02 Khaki Smoky Cat) / there are 4 different eyeshadow
- tahan seharian walau tanpa eye primer / long lasting even without eye primer
- ga terlalu mahal / not expensive
- terdiri dari 3 warna gradasi yang cantik dan natural / 3 gradation color and it's looks natural and pretty
- warna matte ga berglitter / matte finish withour glitter
- bahan nya terbuat dari bahan kaleng yang cukup ringan / made by light can
- tahan terhadap air / waterproof
- ga mudah luntur / smudgeproof
- dilengkapi dengan eyeshadow sponge / came with eyeshadow sponge
- wadahnya cantik / pretty eyeshadow
- disegel / sealed
- isi eyeshadownya banyak / big
- praktis mudah dibawa2 / easy to carry
- cocok untuk orang yang ingin eye makeup yang terlihat natural dan bisa dipakai untuk sehari2 / suitable for who want to have natural looks makeup and for daily use
- cocok untuk yang ingin punya eyeshadow dengan warna matte dan bergradasi / suitable for who want to have matte and gradation eyeshadow
- ga ada informasi bahan2 eyeshadow / no ingredients information
10/10 Love it!
Note: di foto before and after, yang kupakai: / at the before and after pic, i use:
- alis / eyebrow : Etude House Perfect Eyebrow Kit
- mata / eyes : Holika Holika Holy Deer Eyeshadow #01 Pink Brown Deer
- mascara: Holika Holika Magic Pole Waterproof Mascara #Ultra Black
- eyeliner: Peripera Smoothie Waterproof Pencil Liner #2 Golden Brown
The left pic is without eyeshadow then the right pic is after i use the eyeshadow. I apply it thinly bcos i want to have natural looks for my everyday makeup. I think this eyeshadow is very pretty. It's really long lasting even without eye primer. Like it so much!
- warnanya cantik / pretty color
- ada 4 pilihan warna (#01 Pink Brown Deer dan #02 Beige Brown Deer dan #01 Navy Smoky Cat dan #02 Khaki Smoky Cat) / there are 4 different eyeshadow
- tahan seharian walau tanpa eye primer / long lasting even without eye primer
- ga terlalu mahal / not expensive
- terdiri dari 3 warna gradasi yang cantik dan natural / 3 gradation color and it's looks natural and pretty
- warna matte ga berglitter / matte finish withour glitter
- bahan nya terbuat dari bahan kaleng yang cukup ringan / made by light can
- tahan terhadap air / waterproof
- ga mudah luntur / smudgeproof
- dilengkapi dengan eyeshadow sponge / came with eyeshadow sponge
- wadahnya cantik / pretty eyeshadow
- disegel / sealed
- isi eyeshadownya banyak / big
- praktis mudah dibawa2 / easy to carry
- cocok untuk orang yang ingin eye makeup yang terlihat natural dan bisa dipakai untuk sehari2 / suitable for who want to have natural looks makeup and for daily use
- cocok untuk yang ingin punya eyeshadow dengan warna matte dan bergradasi / suitable for who want to have matte and gradation eyeshadow
- ga ada informasi bahan2 eyeshadow / no ingredients information
10/10 Love it!
Note: di foto before and after, yang kupakai: / at the before and after pic, i use:
- alis / eyebrow : Etude House Perfect Eyebrow Kit
- mata / eyes : Holika Holika Holy Deer Eyeshadow #01 Pink Brown Deer
- mascara: Holika Holika Magic Pole Waterproof Mascara #Ultra Black
- eyeliner: Peripera Smoothie Waterproof Pencil Liner #2 Golden Brown
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